Fogorvosi szemle, 2006 (99. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)

2006-02-01 / 1. szám

28 FOGORVOSI SZEMLE ■ 99. évf. 1. sz. 2006. 10. Hanisch O, Lozada J, Holmes RE, Calhoun CJ, Kan JYK, Spieker- mann H: Maxillary sinus augmentation prior to placement of endos­seous implants: A histomorphometric analysis. Int J Oral & Maxillofac Implants 1999;14: 329-336. 11. Kalk WWI, Raghoebar GM, Jansma J, Boering G: Morbidity from iliac crest harvesting. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1996;54: 1424-1429. 12. Klinge B, Alberius P, Isaksson S, Jönsson J: Osseous response to implanted natural bone mineral and synthetic hydroxylapatite ceramic in the repair of experimental skull bone defects. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1992;50: 241-249. 13. Laurencin CT, Attawia MA, Elgendy HE, Herbert KM: Tissue engi­neered bone-regeneration using degradable polymers: The formation of mineralized matrices. Bone 1996;19: Suppl. S93-S99. 14. Liu YL, Schoenaers J, DeGrootK, De Wijn JR, Schepers, E: Bone healing in porous implants: A histological and histometrical compara­tive study on sheep. 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Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2001 ;16:681-692. 23-Tadjoedin ES, de Lange GL, Holzmann PJ, Kuipre L, Burger EH: Histological observations on biopsies harvested following sinus floor elevation using a bioactive glass material of narrow size range. Clin Oral Implants Ffes2000;11: 334-344. 24. Tatum H JR: Maxillary and sinus implant reconstructions. Dent Clin North Am 1986;30: 207-229. 25. Wood RM, Moore DL: Grafting of the maxillary sinus with intrao­­rally harvested autogenous bone prior to implant placement. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1988;3: 209-214. 26-Yildirim M, Spiekermann H, Biesterfeld S, Edelhoff D: Maxil­lary sinus augmentation using xenogenic bone substitute material Bio-Oss® in combination with venous blood. A histologic and his­tomorphometric study in humans. Clin Oral Implants Res 2000;11: 217-229. 27. Yildirim M, Spiekermann H, Handt S, Edelhoff D: Maxillary sinus augmentation with the xenograft Bio-Oss and autogenous intraoral bone for qualitative improvement of the implant site: a histologic and histomorphometric study in humans. International Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants2001 ;16: 23-33. 28-Zerbo IR, Bronckers ALJJ, de Lange GL, van Beeck GJ, Burger EH: Histology of human alveolar bone regeneration with a porous tricalcium phosphate. A report of two cases. Clin Oral Implants Res 2001 ;12: 379-384. Dr. Suba Zs, Dr. Takács D, Dr. Matusovicz D, Dr. Fazekas A, Dr. Szabó Gy, Dr. Barabás J: Quantitave and qualitative comparison of the maxillary bone regeneration after ß-tricalcium phosphate and autogenons bone implantation Graft insertion can effectively enhance the regeneration of debilitated bone. The effects of an alloplastic bone-replacing material, ß-tricalcium phosphate (Cerasorb), and of autogenous bone graft were compared. In 17 edentulous patients, the maxillary sinus floor was extremely atrophied to such an extent that implant placement was impossible. The Schneiderian membrane was surgically elevated bilaterally by insertion of Cerasorb (experimental side) and autogenous bone graft (control side). After surgery, the recovery was followed clinically and radiologically. After 6 months, 68 bone cylinders were excised from the grafted areas and implants were inserted into their places. The bone samples were embedded into resin, and the osteointegration of the grafts was studied histologically. Trabecular bone volume (TBV) and trabecular bone pattern factor (TBPf) were quantified by histomorphometry. Cerasorb proved to be an effective bone-replacing material with osteoconductivity; it was capable of gradual disintegrati­on, thereby providing space for the regenerating bone. The new bone density was not significantly different on the experi­mental and control sides (32.4±10.9% and 34.7±11.9%, respectively). However, the graft biodegradation was significantly slower on the experimental side than on the control side. The TBPf value was lower on the control side than on the expe­rimental side (-0.53±1.7 mm-1 and -0.11 ±1.4 mm'1, respectively); but this difference was not significant. Six months after insertion of the grafts, the bone of the augmented sinus floor was strong and suitable for anchorage of dental implants, irrespective of whether autogenous bone or Cerasorb particles had been applied. Key words: sinus grafting, bone regeneration, histology, histomorphometry, ß-tricalcium phosphate

