Fogorvosi szemle, 2001 (94. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)

2001-02-01 / 1. szám

36 FOGORVOSI SZEMLE 94. évf. 1. sz. 2001. Irodalom: 1. Alfano RR, Yao SS: Human Teeth With and Without Dental Caries Studied by Visible Luminescent Spectroscopy. J Dent Res 1981; 60: 120-122. 2. Angmar-Mansson B, ten Bosch JJ: Advances in Methods for Diagnosing Coronal Caries. A Review. Adv Dent Res 1993; 7: 70-79. 3. Angmar-Mansson B, ten Bosch JJ: Optical methods for the detection and quantification of caries. Adv Dent Res 1987; 1: 14-20. 4. Backer-Dirks O: Posteruptive changes in dental enamel. J Dent Res I966; 45: 503. cit.: Nikiforuk G: Understanding Dental Caries 1. Etiology and Mechanisms S Karger I985; 21. 5. Bjelkhagen H, Sundström F, Angmar-Mansson B, Ryden H: Early Detection of Enamel Caries by the Luminescence Excited by Visible Laser Light. Swed Dent I982; 6: 1-7. cit.: Angmar-Mansson B, ten Bosch JJ: Optical methods for the detection and quantifica­tion of caries. Adv Dent Res 1987; 1: 14-20. 6. ten Bosch JJ, van der Mei HC, Borsboom PCF: Optical Moni­toring of in vitro Caries. Caries Res 1984; 18: 540-547. 7. Ekstrand KR, Ricketts DNJ, Kidd EAM: Reproducibility and Accuracy of Three Methods for Assessment of Demineralization Depth on the Occlusal Surface: An in vitro Examination. Caries Res 1997; 31: 224-231. 8. Fischman, SL: Improvement of Diagnostic Methods in Clinical Caries Trials.: Discussion of Dr. Marthaler’s Presentation. J Dent Res 1984; 63: 750-751. 9. Fleiss IL: Statistical Methods for Rates and Proportion. 2.-nd ed. New York Wiley 1981. pp. 212-225. cit.: Lussi A: A. Validity of Diagnostic and Treatment Decisions of Fissure Caries. Caries Res 1991; 25: 296-303. 10. Hafström-Björkman U, Angmar-Mansson B, Ström J, Sund­ström F: Laser fluorescence in clinical studies of caries. J Dent Res 1985; 64: 796. Abs. 11. 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Dr. Nemes J, Dr. Csillag M, Dr. TóthZs, Dr. Fazekas Á: In vivo study on the reproducibility of the laser fluorescence method for the diagnosis of occlusal caries The aim of the study was to assess the reproducibility of recently developed laser fluorescence method for occlusal caries detection in vivo. 71 non-cavitated premolar and molar teeth were examined repeatedly by three dentists using DIAGNOdent (KaVo) instrument. The presence of caries has been established on the classification of Lussi, created on the basis of „in vitro” investigations. The reproducibility of the measurements were expressed in rank correlation of Spearman. The intra- and interexaminer reliability was also determined by Kappa statistics. The Spearman correlation coefficiences were fairly high (0.738-0.949) The intraobserver and interobserver coincidences reflected by Kappa values (0.60-0.88 and 0.44-0.77, respectively) were also convincing. Key Words: caries diagnosis, fissure caris, laser fluorescence, reproducibility

