Fogorvosi szemle, 1997 (90. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1997-01-01 / 1. szám

Ölveti, É., Bakos, N., Veres, L.: Szerves és szervetlen higanyvegyületekkel szembeni érzékenység amalgámtöméssel rendelkezőknél. Medicina Thoracalis Suppi. 47, 1994. - 22. Ölveti, E., Hegedűs, Cs.: Akrilátérzékenység fogászati vonatkozásai. Medi­cina Thoracalis Suppi. 48, 1995. - 23. Pergman, В.: The effects of Prosthodontic Ma­terials on oral tissues. Oral Sei. Rev. 10, 75, 1977. - 24. Rendűm, J. L., Stenderup, A., Holmstrup, P.: Identification of Candida albicans types related to healthy and patho­logic oral mucosa. J. Oral Path. 23, 406, 1994. - 25. Simm, R., Anderseck, E., Sey­­farth, M.: Allergic reaction of the oral mucosa in a patient with synthetic denture. Cont. Derm. 24, 313, 1991. - 26. Stoy, P. J.: Denture sore mouth with particular reference to acryle. J. Irish. Dent. Assoc. 7, 13, 1952. - 27. Szabó, G., Stafford, G. D., Huggert, R.: The loss of residual monomer from denture base polymers coated with an ultraviolet light-activated polymer. Dent. Mater. 3, 64, 1987. - 28. Tsuchiya, H., Hoshino, Y., Tajima, K., Takagi, N.: Leaching and cytotoxicity of formaldehyde and methyl methacrylate from acrylic resin denture base materials. J. Prosth. Dent. 71, 618, 1994. - 29. Wakabayashi, K., Ochiai, M., Saito, H. et al.: Presence of 1-methyl- 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-ß-carbolyc acid, a precusor of a mutagenic nitrosocompound in soy sauce. Proc. Natl. Аса. Sci. USA 80, 2912, 1988. - 30. Wenström, A., Samuelsson, G.: Investigation of formaldehyde content in some dental base materials by gas-chroma­­tography. Odontologisk Rew. 23, 85, 1972. Dr. Ölveti, É., dr. Hegedűs, Cs.: Typical symptoms of methacry­late sensitivity in acrylic denture wearers Between 1986. and 1995. 150 patients were patch tested who had developed allergic reactions to their prosthesis made from acrylate. Three patients are described, whose history and patch test results confirmed the hypersensitivity to methylmetacrylate. The typical symptoms of acrylate sensitivity are discussed. Aft er the removal of acrylate prostheis and replacement with polyamide base (Valplast) prosthesis, the symptoms disappear­ed. Because the number of allergic reactions increases, the authors emphasize the necessity of prescreening in suspeted cases of acrylate allergy. 26

