Fogorvosi szemle, 1997 (90. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1997-01-01 / 1. szám

Issekutz В., Issekutz L.\ Gyógyszerrendelés. Medicina, Budapest, 1972. 443. - 5. Johnson, В. R., Remeikis, N. A.: Effective Shelf-Life of Prepared Sodium Hypochlorite Solution. J. Endodon. 19, 40, 1993. - 6. Pashley, E. L., Birdsong, N. L., Bowman, K., Pashley, D. H.\ Cytotoxic Effects of NaOCL on Vital Tissue. J. Endodon. 11, 525, 1985. - 7. Piskin, B., Tiirkiin, M. \ Stability of Various Sodium Hypochlorite Solution. J. Endodon. 21, 253, 1995. - 8. Stock, C. J. R., Nehammer, C. F.: Endodontics in Practice. British Dental Journal, London, 1990. 39. - 9. Walton, R. E., Torabinejad, M.: Principles and Practice of Endodontics. W. B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, 1989. 206. — 10. Magyar Gyógyszerkönyv VII. Medicina, Budapest, 1992. 1044-1046. — 11. MSZ 450: Ivóvíz. Minősítés fizikai és kémiai vizsgálat alapján. 1-8. 1989. — 12. ASTM D2022: Standard Methods of Sampling and Chemical Analysis of Chlorine- Containing Bleaches. 292—297. 1980. — 13. 1976. évi IV. sz. élelmiszertörvény végre­hajtására kiadott 4/1978. (VI. 25.) EüM sz. rendelet. Dr. Veszprémi, E., dr. Szentmihályi, K., dr. Fazekas, Á.: Chemical analysis of Clorox household bleach in view of its use in endodontics. * The purpose of this study was to determine the impurities and the concentrations of the main components (e. g. the total chlorine, the sodium hypochlorite, the sodium chloride, the sodium hyd­roxide, the sodium chlorate, the sodium content) of Clorox house­hold bleach available in Hungary. We also determined the avail­able chlorine of Clorox sample. Our examinations showed that the concentrations of impurities examined are far from those affect­ing adversely the human health. 18

