A magyar zenei szakirodalom bibliográfiája 1983 (Budapest, 1987)
INTRODUCTION This bibliography is a joint publication of the Metropolitan "Ervin Szabó" Library and the Institute for Musicology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Its aim is to present an annual information on current musical publications in order to meet the requirements both of public education and scientific research. Scope The bibliography covers all spheres of musicology, works on music teaching, as well as other documents pertinent to musical life, i. e. reviews, reports, commemorations. It has been endeavoured to reflect also the critical evaluations of opera and concert events. The publication is the National Bibliography of Hungarian musical literature. Accordingly it contains a) Works published in Hungary; b) All the available works of Hungarian authors, as well as of authors published in foreign language (in latter case works relevant to Hungary or translated into Hungarian). In the first volume (1980) selected bibliography of Hungarian musical literature published outside Hungary was to be found in the appendix. In the following volumes (since 1981) this material has been integrated into the main body. Sources The bibliography is based on the documents acquired by the Library of the Institute for Musicology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and on the musical collections of the Metropolitan "Ervin Szabó" Library. We relied on the Hungarian National Bibliography (Bibliography of Books, Bibliography of Music Scores and Records, Repertory of Serials), on the Hungarian Publications Published Abroad in Hungarian Language and on the Hungarian Publications Published Abroad in Foreign Languages as bibliographical sources. We are indebted to the contributors of the above mentioned bibliographies for their help. In addition, more than hundred periodicals (inclusively four domestic daily newspapers and twelve foreign periodicals published in Hungarian) have been evaluated for studies, articles, books reviews, and news. The news published in newspapers cover virtually all of the musical events of the year. A full enumeration of music sheets and records can be found in the Bibliography of Music Scores and Records. That is why the present bibliography has listed only those that have been reviewed. Classification The subject arrangement follows essentially the classification system used by Ferenc 13