A magyar zenei szakirodalom bibliográfiája 1983 (Budapest, 1987)


Gyimes in "Hungarian musical books in public libraries", which is an adaptation of the system developed for RILM (Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale). Special needs of the present bibliography necessitated some modifications (omission of certain chapters and introduction of new ones). Except for the chapters Theoretical aspects of the study of folk music, Musical theory and musicology, as well as the litera­ture on Kodály, monographs and articles have not been separated. The entries are listed in alphabetical sequence. Reviews have been incorporated according to the topic of the relevant books. Critical evaluations of performances, concerts, sheet music, and records are grouped together. In the chapter on the History of music and within the subdivisions, respectively, entries relevant to the specific era precede those dealing with individual composers. Criticism of artistical performances is listed within the critical evaluation of opera, concert, and records, respectively, while comprehensive articles, reports, statements on performances and performers constitute separate chapters. One main entry has been used also for items belonging to different groups, but every concerned subject group has a reference to the main entry. In this volume we have introduced 16 new chapters for the sake of better presentation. Title entries Bibliographical description does not follow ISBD, but a practice developed in the previous volumes. Imprint date has been quoted only if not identical with the monitored year. Short title in brackets was used for books having appeared earlier than, but reviewed in 1983. Abbreviated titles have been included in the list of periodicals monitored. For Hungarican records the records number has been cited, in case of foreign records only if referred to in the review. Annotations have been made only if the title was not informative, e. g. reviews issued under series title in daily papers because titles such as "Musical Chronicle", "Musical notes", or "Musical Letter" are unhelpful to users. Indices The bibliography contains a detailed table of contents. The list of publications monitor­ed, the list of abbreviations as well as the index of the Hungarian musical literature published outside Hungary are included. Re­ference numbers are the sequence numbers of the bibliography. The alphabetical authors' index comprises all the names of the mentioned persons and ensembles. All the abbreviated names have been completed. 14

