A magyar zenei szakirodalom bibliográfiája 1981 (Budapest, 1984)


INTRODUCTION The bibliography is a joint publication of the Ervin Szabó Municipal Library and the Institute for Musicology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Its aim is to present an annual information on current musical publications that meet requirements of public education and scientific research. Collections The collection includes all spheres of musicology, works on music teaching, as well as, of papers pertinent to musical life, i. e. reviews, reports, commemorations. It has been endeavoured to process the cri­tical evaluations of opera and concert events. The publication is the National Bibliog­raphy of Hungarian musical literature. Accor­dingly it contains a) Works published in Hungary b) All the available works of Hungarian authors, as well as of authors published in foreign language (in latter case works re­levant to Hungary or translated into Hunga­rian). Sources Collection is based on the documents acquired by the Library of the Institute for Musicology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the musical collections of the Ervin Szabó Municipal Library, as well as the Hungarian National Bibliography (Bibliog­raphy of Books, Bibliography of Music Scores and Records, Repertory of Serials), the bibliographies of Hungarian Publications Published Abroad in Hungarian Language and of the Hungarian Publications Publis­hed Abroad in Foreign Languages. In addition, studies, articles, books reviews, and news from more than hundred periodicals have been processed (inclusively four domestic daily papers and twelve foreign periodicals published in Hungarian). The news published in daily papers cover virtually all of the musical events of the year. Classification The subject classification follows prac­tically and in the main chapters recommen­dation suggested by Ferenc Gyimes in „Hun­garian musical books in public libraries", which is an adaptation of the classified order of RILM (Repertoire International de Litté­rature Musicale). Differences in the features of the bibliographies necessitated the mod­ifications (omission of certain chapters and introduction of new ones). Except for the chapters Theoretical aspects of the study of folk music, Musical theory and musicology, as well as the lite­rature on Bartók the original works and ar­ticles published in daily papers have not been processed separately. The entries are listed in alphabetical arrangement. Books reviews have been incorporated according to their topic. Critical evaluations of performances, concerts, sheet music, and records form special groups. In the chapter on the History of music and within the subdivisions, respectively, entries relevant to the specific era precede references to selected composers. As opposed to last year's publication the literature on Bartók has been grouped under subtitles within the 20th century, whereas, the cen­tenary events were listed invariably in the chapter on Musical life. Papers bearing on a single performance of artists are listed within the critical evalu­ation of opera, concert, and**records, respec­tively, while comprehensive articles, reports, statements on performances and performers constitute separate chapters. Single title entry has been used for items to be classified in different groups. Reference numbers are cited under the subject classifications. Title entries Bibliographical description corresponds — except for minor modifications — library 13

