A magyar zenei szakirodalom bibliográfiája 1981 (Budapest, 1984)


and bibliographic regulations. Imprint date has been quoted only if not identical with the processed year. Short title in brackets was used for books having appeared earlier than, but reviewed in 1981. The list of perio­dical abbreviations has been supplemented by their directory. Full enumeration of music sheets and records had to be omitted due to their ex­tent, they can be found in the Bibliography of Music Scores and Records. We inserted only those that have been reviewed. For the Hungarian records the number has been cited, in case of foreign records only if referred to in the review. Annotations have been used only if the title was not informative, e.g. reviews issued under series title in daily papers. Titles such as „Musical Chronicle", „Musical notes" or „Musical Letter" are irrelevant to users. Indices The bibliography contains a detailed table of contents. The list of the processed publications, as well as the list of abbreviati- onshas been included. The alphabetical authors' index compri­ses all the names of the quoted persons and ensembles. All the abbreviated names have been completed. 14

