A Fővárosi Könyvtár értesítője 1910

1910 / 1. szám - A Fővárosi Könyvtár szerzeményei az 1910. év I. negyedében

49 ÚJ SZERZEMÉNYEK 1910. I. NEGYED 50 Wise, B. R.: The commonwealth of Australia. © Boston : Little, Braun 1909. (XV, 354) — Ausztr 29 Wise, B. R.: Industrial life in Australia. = Wise: Commonwealth of Australia. 1909. (288^-97) — Aiisztr 29 Keresztényszociálizmus és -konzerva­tivizmus Socialisme et conseruatisme chrétiens Christlicher Sozialismus und Konservativismus Anti-socialist union of Great Britain. Christianity and socialism. London: Anti-socialist union 1909. [4] = Anti-socialist union. Pamphlets & leaflets, 57. — XVII 1961 Anti-socialist union of Great Britain. Will you be „crumpled up“ ? A word for catholic voters. London: Anti-socialist union 1909. (4) = Anti-socialist union. Pamphlets <S leaflets,68. — XVII 1961 Balmes, [Jaime Luciano] Jakab: A protestantismus és katholicismus von. az európai polgárisodásra 1-2. k. [El protestantismo, comparado con el catolicismo en sus relaciones con la civilisacion europea. 1842—44.] Ford. a Pesti növendékpapság magyar egyházirodalmi iskolája. Pest: Emich 1865.-XVII 1844 Beck, Jos.: Über Arbeiter-Seelsorge. Briefe an einen städtischen Vikar. H. 1—2. Freiburg: Gschwend 1909. — XVH 1941 [Leo] XIII. Lettre encyclique de Léon XIII. sur la condition des ouvriers. Bruxelles: Soc. Saint- Charles-Borromée 1891. (22) —XVII 1836 Muddock, J. E. Preston: Socialism antagonistic to Christianity. London: Anti-socialist union 1909. (8) ===== Anti-socialist union. Pamphlets & leaflets, 32. — XVII 1961 Peabody, Francis Greenwood: The approach to ©the social question. An introduction to the study of social ethics. New York: Macmillan 1909. (210)-XVII 1925 Pechmann, Aug. v.: Die Patronagen für jugend­liche katholische Arbeiterinnen. München : Buchh. d. Verb. südd. kath. Arbeiterver. [1908.] (79) — XVII 1923 Sillon. Congrés national. 8— . Compte © rendu. Paris 19 .)9— . — Fr 690 8. Paris, 1909. (XII, 313) Wahl, Theod.: Pfarrer und Politik. Stuttgart: Belser 1909. (65) (Zeitfr. d. Christi. Volkslebens, 34. 8.) — XX 776 Szociálizmus Socialisme — Sozialismus Adler, Geo: Ricardo und der ältere englische Sozialismus. = Hauptwerke d. Sozialismus, 10. 1909. (9—24) — XVII 385 Almanach du peuple. 1910— . Bruxelles 1909— . ' -Bg 154 Balfour-Browne, J. H.: The economics of socialism. London: Anti-socialist union 1909. (19) == Anti-socialist union. Pamphlets & leaflets, 56. —XVII 1961 Anti-socialist union of Great Britain. The failures of socialism, introd. by Thomas M a c k a y. Lon­don : Anti-socialist union 1909. (19) = Anti-socialist union. Pamphlets & leaflets, 16. —XVII 1961 Anti-socialist union of Great Britain. Individual liberty. London: Anti-socialist union 1909. [4] = Anti-socialist union. Pamphlets & leaflets, 67. —XVII 1961 Anti-socialist union of Great Britain. Pamphlets ©and leaflets. Vol. 1— . London 1909— . — XVII 1961 Anti-socialist union of Great Britain. The socia­list tyranny. The policy of capturing the Trade unions exposed. London : Anti-socialist union 1909. (4) = Anti-socialist unioa Pamphlets & leaflets, 39. -XVII 1961 Anti-socialist union of Great Britain. What socia­lists have said. 1— . London: Anti-socialist union 1909— . = Anti-socialist union. Pamphlets & leaflets, 2, 9. — XVII 1961 Anti-socialist union of Great Britain. What the workers will lose by socialism. London: Anti­socialist union 1909. [4] == Anti-socialist union. Pamphlets & leaflets, [21.] —XVII 1961 Bebel, Aug.: Aus meinem Leben. T. 1— . Stutt­gart : Dietz 1910— . — Nm 1398 Bertrand, Louis: César De P a e p e, sa vie, son oeuvre Bruxelles: Dechenne 1909. (231) — Bg 146 Brouilhet, Charles: Le socialisme. = Brouilhet: Conflit d. doctrines. 1910. (167—78) — XVIII 960 Combes, Jacques: Socialisme et surenchére. Paris: Larose & Tenin 1910. (52) — XVII 1936 Cooper, Will. Earnshaw: The campaign against socialism. London Anti-socialist union 1909. (10) = Anti-socialist union. Pamphlets & leaflets, 6. —XVII 1961 Cosentini, Francesco: II socialismo giuridico con una ricca bibliográfia sull’argomento. Catania: Giannotta 1910. (130) —XVII 1942 Crozier, J. Beattie: A reply to my critics. London: Anti-socialist union 1909. (8) == Anti-socialist union. Pamphlets & leaflets, 8. —XVII 1961 Dark, Sidney: Socialism and sentiment. London: Anti-socialist union 1909. (12) = Anti-socialist union. Pamphlets & leaflets, 5. — XVII 1961 Dark, Sydney: The tyranny of socialism. London: Anti-socialist union 1909. (7) = Anti-socialist union. Pamphlets & leaflets, 14. — XVII 1961 Fearby, R. Lambert: The economics of socialism. London: Anti-socialist union 1909. (10) = Anti-socialist union. Pamphlets <£ leaflets, 34. —XVII 1961 [Fischer Károly]: A Ferrer gyilkosság. Ford. & összeáll. Rio. Bp.: Biraucz 1909. (72) —Sp 61

