A Fővárosi Könyvtár értesítője 1910
1910 / 1. szám - A Fővárosi Könyvtár szerzeményei az 1910. év I. negyedében
51 ÚJ SZERZEMÉNYEK 1910. I. NEGYED 52 Garvin, J. L.: Socialism in Great Britain. = Saturday handbook. 1909. (264—75) — Br 548 Gnocchi-Viani, Osvaldo: Ricordo di un internazio- nalista. Milano: Ed. Operaia 1909. (153) — XVII 1939 Hillmann, Harold A. M.: The origins of socialism. London: Anti-socialist union 19TO. (7) = Anti-socialist union. Pamphlets <S leaflets, 31. — XVII 1961 Hodgskin, Thom.: Verteidigung der Arbeit gegen 0 die Ansprüche des Kapitals. [Labour defended against the claims of capital. 1825.] Übers, v. Friedr. Rassel. Einl.: Der englische Sozialismus zu Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts v. Geo. Adler. Leipzig: Hirschfeld 1909. (76) = Hauptwerke d. Sozialismus, 10. — XVII 385 Jones, Lloyd: The life, times & labours of Robert Owen. Vol. 1—2. London 1889—1890.-XVII 1950 1. London : Labour assoc. 1889. (XIX, 239) 2. Ed. by Will. Cairns Jones. London: Sonnenschein 1890. (VIII, 203) London, Jack : Revolution. Chicago : Kerr 1909. (31) — XVII 1927 [Lovett, Will.]: The life and struggles of William Lovett, in his pursuit of bread, knowledge, and freedom, with some short account of the different associations he belonged to, and of the opinions he entertained. London: Trübner 1876. [VII, 473] — Br 489 Lowther, Claude & A. C. Bannington: Will socialism benefit the poeple ? Debate. London : Antisocialist union 1909. (31) = Anti-socialist union. Pamphlets & leaflets, 17. - XVII 1961 Luzatto, Elisab.: Entwicklung und Wesen des Sozialismus. Bd 1— . Wien: Brand [1910— .] — XVII 1909 1. Sozialistische Bewegungen und Systeme bis zum Jahre 1848. [1910.] (VIII, 444) MacDonald, J. Ramsay: Socialism and govern- Oment. Vol. 1—2. London: I. L. P. 1909. (Socialist library, 8.) — Br 529 Mayer, Gust.: Johann Baptist von Schweitzer 0 und die Sozialdemokratie. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung. Jena: Fischer ly09. (VII, 448, VI) - Nm 1386 Michels, Rob.: Der italienische Zweig der Internationale. = Jahrbuch d. freien Generation, N. F. 1. 1910. (30—40) — XVII 1902 Owen, Rob.: The book of the new moral world, containing the rational system of society, founded on demonstrable facts, developing the constitution and laws of human nature and of society. London : Cousins [1839.] (XVI, 60) — XVII 1944 Pannekoek, Ant.: Der Kampf der Arbeiter. 7 Aufsätze aus der Leipziger Volkszeitung. [1907.] 2. Aufl. Leipzig: Leipziger Buchdr. 1909. (31) — XVII 1919 Parsons, E.: The case against socialism. Would state ownership benefit mankind ? = Daily Mail year book, 10. 1910. (49—51) — XVII 1238 Pay, E. J. & Rob. Filmer Socialism. Debate. London: Anti-socialist union 1909. (40) = Anti-socialist union. Pamphlets & leaflets, [18.] -XVII 1961 Pease, E. R.: The progress of socialism, growth in England and abroad. == Daily Mail year book, 10. 1910. (52—54) — XVII 1238 Philippovich, Eug. v.: Der Sozialismus. = Philippovich: Entwicklung d. wirtschaftspol. Ideen. 1910. (46—72) - XVIII 1002 Public opinion on socialism. Pref. by Will. Bull. London : Ouseley [1909.] (142) — Br 536 Radó Sámuel: A szocialista királyság. = Radó: Népies politika. 1910. (1—1!) — XX 802 Ramsay, W. M.: Simple Simon on capital. London Anti-socialist union 1909. (4) = Anti-socialist union. Pamphlets & leaflets, 80. — XVII 1961 Robiquet, Paul: Buonaroti et la Secte des égaux d’aprés des documents inédits. Paris: Hachette 1910. (VI, 330) — XVII 1933 Lord Rosebery on socialism. London: Anti-socialist union 1909. [4] == Anti-socialist union. Pamphlets & leaflets, 58. - XVII 1961 Rose, Frank H: The coming force: the labour movement. Salford: I. L. P. 1909. (126) —Br 553 Rotschild, Ernst: Die Sozialdemokratie. Programm der sozialdemokratischen Partei Deutschlands Erfurt, 1891.München:Buchh.Nationalver. 1910.(24) = Deutsches Parteiweisen, 3. —Nm 1387 Say, Léon: Le socialisme d’État, conférences faites au Cercle Saint-Simon. Paris: Lévy 1884. (215) (Bibliothéque contemp.) —XVII 1830 [Borítékcím]: Nouv. éd. 1887. Sims, G. R.: Socialism and human nature. London : Anti-socialist union 1909. (6) = Anti-socialist union. Pamphlets <£ leaflets, 3. — XVII 1961 Socialism in Great Britain. = Nagybritannia. Unionist party. Cam- paigne guide. 1909. (334—48) — Br 502 Le socialisme fran?ais 1908- 9. = Année sociale intern. 1910. (589—631)-XVII 1049 The socialist movement of the United Kingdom. = Haze 1 l’s annual. 1910. (412—15) — Br 501 Welsford, J. W.: Socialism and the french revolution. London: Anti-socialist union 1909. (7) —- Anti-socialist union. Pamphlets & leaflets, 13. - XVII 1961 Wilson, W. Lawler: The balance of power. London: Anti-socialist union 1909. (7) = Anti-socialist union. Pamphlets & leaflets, 1. —XVII 1961 Wilson, H. W.: Dividing up. London: Anti-socialist union 1909. (7) = Anti-socialist union. Pamphlets & leaflets, 10. —XVII 1961 Wilson, H. W.: What capitalism has done for the worker. London: Anti-socialist union 1909. (6) = Anti-socialist union. Pamphlets & leaflets, 4. — XVII 1961 Wise, B. R.: The Labour party in Australia. = Wise: Commonwealth of Australia. 1909. (59—72) — Ausztr 29 Ziegler, Theobald: Sozialismus und Sozialdemokratie. = Ziegler: Die geistigen und sozialen Strömungen d. 19. Jahrhunderts. 1910. (450-520) — Nm 1360