Evangéliumi Hírnök, 1997 (89. évfolyam, 1-11. szám)

1997-01-01 / 1. szám

8. oldal PRAY-AS-YOU-GO The disciples requested that Jesus teach them to pray because they recog­nized that prayer was both the founda­tion of his relationship with God, and the source of his personal, life-giving power. For today’s disciples, a regular time alone with God empowers us to walk in the way which Jesus led, but this cannot be the sum total of our prayer lives. The “How To” self-help books are always suggesting ways to use odd mo­ments of the day for self-improvement. “Sitting in your office chair while the phone is on hold? Exercise your shoul­ders and ankles.” “Driving on the free­way? Listen to self-improvement tapes.” This advice can make us “hyper” as we focus on ourselves. But focusing on God in the odd moments of the day can be an effective way to “pray without ceasing”. “Flash Prayers" is the term which missionary Frank Laubach used for those brief silent prayers in which we acknowledge God’s presence with grati­tude and hold up our thoughts, and con­cerns before God. Try adding your ideas for “thought prayers” to the following list. When answering a ringing phone, hold the unknown caller up before God. Let a siren or an light-flashing emer­gency vehicle call you to pray for those in crisis. In a busy check-out line, pray for the clerk. When you walk out the door into the sunshine, thank God. On a rush-hour freeway, pray for your fellow drivers (especially the ones who cut too close)! During those half-waking moments before you climb out of bed, dedicate your day to God. Make each first taste of food or drink a time for gratitude. Never read the newspaper or watch TV news without seeking God’s strength for those caught in life’s strug­gles. Each routine activity of the day — from driving to exercising to washing dishes hold a moment for us to con­sciously be in God’s presence. PRAY WITHOUT CEASING. "We must find an alternative to vio­lence. Tha eye-for-an-eye philosophy leaves everybody blind." Martin Luther King, Jr. Lordship of Christ The following words are from an old engraving on a cathedral in La­­beck, Germany: Thus speaketh Christ our Lord to us: You call Me master and obey Me not. You call Me light and see Me not. You call Me the Way and walk Me not. You call Me life and live Me not. You call Me wise and follow Me not. You call Me fair and love Me not. You call Me rich and ask Me not. You call Me eternal and seek Me not. If I condemn thee, blame Me not. I believe... A young Jew wrote these words on the wall of the Warsaw ghetto: I believe in the sun, even if it does not shine. I believe in love, even if I do not feel it. I believe in God, even if I do not see Him. Points to Ponder As an old man walked the beach at dawn, he noticed a young man ahead of him picking up starfish and flinging them into the sea. Finally, catching up with the youth, he asked him why he was doing this. The answer was that the stranded starfish would die if left until the morning sun. “But the beach goes on for miles and there are millions of starfish,” countered the other. “How can your effort make any dif­ference?” The young man looked at the starfish in his hand and then threw it safely in the waves. “It makes a difference to this one,” he said. Anonymous Ad ICorinthians 1:10-17 Some families make church their home. Others find other uses for the church. Take the notorious Tate fanidly, for example. Perhaps you’ve met some of them. The chief of the clan is old Die Tate, who insists on running everything in church. His brother Ro Tate wants to change everything. Aunt Agi Tate has a knack for stirring up trouble; and her husband, Irri Tate, always lends a hand. The next generation of Tates has its own characteristics. Hesi Tate and his wife, Vege Tate, would just as soon wait until next year whenever a new project is suggested. Aunt Imi Tate would love to create the first generic church. Devas Tate announces constantly that the church is doomed, while her husband Poten Tate promises he can lead the church out of trouble. Do we know these people? Aren’t we related to them by chance? The good sermon The best-preached sermon does no good Unless it’s based on God’s sure Word; But even then it ’s not complete Until we act on what we Ve heard. — DJD Just a chuckle (or two): Compassion... Julia Ward Howe, the social re­former, once asked Senator Charles Sumner to interest himself in the case of a person who needed some help. The Senator answered, “Julia, I’ve become so busy 1 can no longer concern myself with individuals. ” Julia replied, “Charles, that is quite remarkable. Even God hasn't reached that stage yet! ” No fooling! The pastor invited the children to come forward for the children’s sermon. After they had seated themselves on the steps, he announced he was going to talk about frogs. He asked the group, “When I say frog, ’ what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? ” Promtly a child answered, “God.” Surprised, the pastor asked with obvious puzzlement, “Why do you think about God when I say frog?"’ The child replied, “Cause I know you didn’t bring us down here to talk about frogs.” ______________________________1997. január

