Evangéliumi Hírnök, 1993 (85. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)
1993-02-01 / 2. szám
8. oldal 1993. február December at Bethesda December has been a beautiful month of activities and pleasant weather. God’s wonderful story of love unfolded with each singing group of adults, happy & excited children and single guests who brought the full meaning of the birth of Jesus Christ to every mind in colorful style. There were activities throughout the days and evenings, from which they could select. These programs honored our Lord who is past, present and future. This month also became the time for our third Twenty-Year Employee celebration. Betty Mills was hired as a dietary assistant December 18, 1972 and worked with Rev. and Mrs. William Molnár, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kish and is presently the kitchen supervisor. Mrs. Mills was com-Betty Mills and grandson Aaron pletely surprised by her family in attendance plus a former Bethesda employee who worked with her during her earlier years. Her cheery “good morning” to each resident waiting in the dining room for the breakfast bell, helps brighten these early risers’ lives. Mrs. Mills is to be commended for her dedication of preparing fine meals and going the extra mile for those needing assistance with their special diets. The crowning celebration brought together the Bethesda Church members, our residents, their families and special guests who shared of God’s blessings during 1992. This was the Christmas Eve Service of Carols and beautiful testimony by our former housekeeper Pam Strobel and her cancerrecuperating eight year old son, Matthew, Dr. Louis Kali and Rev. Barton Brown brought timely messages through a poem and devotions, respectively. Refreshments were provided by the Bethesda Ladies Aid and Jean Robinson, former Social Services Co-ordinator. In connection with this season, it has been most refreshing to witness a good number of our people on never being less than their best selves, ready to serve their fellow person with small kindnesses. Although some have disabilities of their own, they take the time to encourage those not feeling well, walking unsteady residents back to their rooms, or sharing some goodies which were left by family — in true Christmas spirit. One of our newest dwellers, Mrs. Eva Graham, lovingly extends an invitation to all church services to everyone with whom she makes contact. She was quoted in saying “God has given me a love for all people and I try to be like my Lord”. We thank God for directing her and her family to Bethesda and pray the Lord will continue to use her as our “golden age” missionary. We want to publicly acknowledge each and everyone one of you who have remembered Bethesda through contributions, honorariums and uplifting prayers, year-round. In greater percentage, our people have been blessed with a good measure of well-being. Thank you for your love and concern. God bless you richly. Ernest Cziraky, administrator CONTRIBUTIONS Mrs. Ruth Kish ............................................$ 25.00 Rev. Louis Kurtz ................................................25.00 Mr. and Mrs. John Triebeil........................... 200.00 Mr. and Mrs. David Robinson .................... 100.00 Dr. and Mrs. Ellis Plyler ................................. 50.00 Mr. Muneki Imai............................................. 150.00 Mrs. Esther Fodi ................................................25.00 Bethesda Baptist Church ............................... 225.00 Mrs. Goldie Burke Paltza .................................25.00 Chestnut Street Baptist Church...................... 100.00 Ms. Maria Kanisek ...................................... 30.00 Mrs. Rose Newman...........................................25.00 Mr. and Mrs. Zoltán Szabó ......................... 100.00 Mrs. Mary Lehotsky ..........................................25.00 Ladies Guild of New York Baptist Church 100.00 American Hungarian Baptist Union Women’s Convention ................................ 250.00 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Forgács .............................50.00 Mr. and Mrs. István Palotai .............................50.00 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kish ............................. 100.00 Mrs. Elizabeth Paukovits .................................20.00 Dr. and Mrs. Louis Kali ................................. 10.00 Mrs. Sally Reviczky............................................25.00 Anonymous Donor ........................................ 165.00 $1,875.00 In loving memory of Rev. and Mrs. Gabriel Petre By Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Petre .......... $2,000.00 In loving memory of Charles & Julia Banyai By Daniel Banyai........................................ 500.00 In loving memory of Frank & Theresa Ver By Dr. Katherine Roth & Dr. David Roth 250.00 In loving memory of Rev. Emil Balia By Esther Balia ..............................................50.00 In loving memory of Caroline Steg By Mrs. Caroline Rady .................................50.00 By Mr. and Mrs. Jack Steg..........................50.00 $2,900.00 Grand Total .............................................. $4,775.00 ~-------------------------------------The Bible Translator: Victor Monus We met Victor and Anita Monus at the Camp Closing Conference in Rama, Ontario, Canada last September. He was our special guest speaker on Sunday morning, when he spoke — in Hungarian — about his life & service among the Slavey Indians. We asked him to write about his life and ministry. This article is the first of a series. (The Hungarian version of that article appeared in the January issue.) (ed.) When and how did you accept Christ? I accepted Christ as Savior when I was sixteen years of age. I had understood the Gospel from my youth through the faithful witness of my parents. At a specific point in my life, when I heard a clear presentation of the Christian way, I responded to the invitation to give my life to Christ. I claimed John 3:16 as applying to me personally and started my walk with Christ. How do you understand God’s call to missionary work? God’s call to me is a personal one. I understand His call to serve him as a missionary on the basis of a number of factors: a) I belong to the Lord — He called me to Himself; b) He has freely given me the gift of eternal life; c) I am under obligation to share the Gospel with those who do not yet belong to him; d) He has laid the condition of lost people on my heart; e) as a result of reading and studying the Word, I perceive His will for me is that I share the blessing of knowing Christ with those who do not know Him; f) it is a special privilege to serve Him by offering my life to His service wherever He directs me. (The call came gradually, perhaps beginning as early as 10 years of age when missionaries came to stay in our family home.) How did you choose Wycliffe? In my final years at a Christian high school we had the opportunity to hear the reports of members of Wycliffe Bible Translators. They shared their experiences and showed films about linguistics and Bible translation in various parts of the world. As a result I became interested in the possibility of qualifying as a Bible translator. Why did you choose the Indians? I did not naturally choose the work among Indians. Our family lived near a Cree Indian reserve in Northern Saskatchewan. I met people from the Indian