Evangéliumi Hírnök, 1990 (82. évfolyam, 1-24. szám)
1990-01-01 / 1. szám
I 1990. január 1. kai társadalom problémái minket is érintenek, és így, azok orvoslásában ránk is hárul tennivaló. Bár a tegnapunk különbözött, családjaink, gyermekeink jövője már összeforr a minket befogadó társadalom jövőjével. Az óhazában végbemenő változásokban is érdekeltek vagyunk, hiszen azok szeretteink életét közvetlenül érintik. Különösen is fontos, hogy már most, a demokratizálódás első lépéseinél, mi, evangéliumi keresztyének színt valljunk. A hazai baptizmus jövője, az evangélium ügye megköveteli, hogy testvéreink, egyszerű munkások, anyák, egyetemisták, tanítók, orvosok, ügyvédek, lelkipásztorok a magyarság útkeresésében biblikus gondolkozásukkal irányt mutassanak, mind a maga helyén. A múlt hibáinak és hibásainak a felemlegetésénél sokkal hasznosabb a holnapon való munkálkodás. A tereinken élet van. Most, amikor milliók jövője formálódik, mi innen a távolból, Isten előtt imáinkban szavazunk szeretett népünk szabad jövője mellett. Novák József INNEN-ONNAN Noel Vose, a Baptista Világszövetség elnöke írja a budapesti konferenciáról: „Erre a minden eddiginél nagyobb konferenciára több mint 5000 jött el, Európa minden részéről. ...lázas igyekezettel és nagy örömmel láttuk a magyarokat dolgozni, akik szorgalmukkal sikeressé tették ezt a találkozót. Nyelvi, szállásolási és kulturális problémák garmadával birkóztak meg, leleményesen.” * Az európai baptisták budapesti konferenciáját követően, a Világszövetség Végrehajtó Bizottsága Zágrában találkozott, ahol 12 jelöltet javasolt a Világszövetség alelnöki tisztére. Ajelöltek egyike dr. Viczián János. * Egy csoport európai küldött vonattal megy majd Koreába, a Baptista Világszövetség konferenciájára. Londonból indulnak, Berlinen, Moszkván, Novoszibirszken és Irkutzon át Seoulba. * A Baptista Világszövetségbe 141 szövetség tartozik, összesen, mintegy 35 és fél milliónyi tagsággal. Isten útjai soha sem végződnek zsákutcában. 5. oldal Reminiscing... 1 am glad to acknowledge with great satisfaction that since I started to write about women in the Scripture in their various work I gained not just information but also much inspiration and many blessings. This study and writing helped me to recognize the fact that women played important roles in Biblical history and to be aware that God — who knows best who is who — used saintly, dedicated women to achieve His purpose in the salvation of men. Seeing so many women serving God in important spheres of work gave me a renewed conviction that our God is indeed no respecter of persons. In His sight there is no difference between male and female. The only things counted, as I observed, were ability, dedication and faith. And in these attributes there was no difference between the two sexes. Although the Bible does not present the deeds of women as many times as men’s, but when it mentions the work of women, it tells about very important activities. Eve, then the mother of Moses, Sarah, Ruth, Deborah, Mary the mother of the Lord, Lydia, Priscilla will be remembered for their roles at the turning points of history. God does not make mistakes. His wisdom selected these women for the utmost important work, there in ancient times. Two or three thousand years ago He respected and elevated women for the 21st Century standard. I am thinking of my sisters in our era. Many women are struggling for equality with men. Out of my study of Biblical women I came to the conviction that the surest way to achieve that desired “equal treatment” is to offer ourselves to the service of God. When God appoints any woman to be the executor of His divine plan, it is the highest recognition and the greatest honor for any human being. And God still appoints women to serve in His Kingdom. In the years while I did my best to fill the Women’s Column, I had the good opportunity to observe and to learn that our small Hungarian Baptist Union is rich in talented and devoted women. Many of them are serving with diligence, eagerness and effectively in our churches. For their enthusiasm and ability God be praised. Elnök: Chatto Lydia Alelnök: Müller Katalin Titkár: Jakab Anna Pénztáros: Háló P. Lenke After describing my happy experiences dealing with Biblical women and associating with my sisters in the Lord living in the present time, I feel assured that the Lord’s work is in good hands. Our sisters of today will carry on faithfully as did their sisters of old. With love, Ruby Udvarnoki * * * An introduction... I would like to introduce myself, humbly asking our Heavenly Father to be with me as I approach this new endeavor — a task for which 1 definitely feel unworthy, but willing to do anything to further proclaim His Glory. Bom in Cleveland, OH to Louis and Julia (Horváth) Haspray, most of my life was spent in Daytona Beach, FL., and in the Los Angeles area. My husband, Sándor Vereczky, came to the United States from Miskolc, Hungary, in 1956. He was a deacon of the Hungarian Bible Church of Santa Monica, and we both are charter members. My testimony of God’s saving grace was printed last year in the Evangéliumi Hírnök, under the name “Aranka”. This was a letter I had written more than 28 years ago, after I found our precious Lord Jesus in a miraculous born-again experience. As the Apostle Paul wrote in 2Cor 5:17, I became a new creature, with old things passed away and all things became new. I was completely changed in an instant! Praise God! But this also has been a lasting experience for me. The Love of Jesus has grown deeper and more magnificant with each passing year. It has been a wonderful life for me and the husband the Lord provided for me, after I became a believer. We had such a beautiful relationship, especially, because the Lord was most important in our lives and we were able to go through many wonderful experiences, as we trusted in Him. Some of these events will be included in this column, mostly as a testimony to the great power of our Lord Jesus, as it exists even today. Friends of the Evangéliumi Hírnök, who read the October Issue may have seen the obituary written for Sándor Vereczky, my life companion for 25 years. He went to his Heavenly Home on Sep// NŐK ROVATA Rovatvezető: MRS. CLAIRE (Klári) VERECZKY 1063 Calle Margarita, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360