Evangéliumi Hírnök, 1990 (82. évfolyam, 1-24. szám)

1990-01-01 / 1. szám

6. oldal 1990. január 1. tember 1st. I’m grateful that, although suf­fering for many weeks, Sándor remained true to his faith until the very end. In fact, rather than turn against God in his trials, he asked me to “keep my faith”! What a blessed assurance that he is with our Hea­venly Father in Glory! Through the years, having trusted in the Lord with all our hearts has brought me the reassurance that Sándor and I shall be together again some day. Until then, I’ll continue to keep this beautiful faith which God has imparted to His children, and let others know about the Saving Grace of Jesus. For, through the years, I have learned that there are multitudes of blessings in store for those who obey God’s gentle proddings as He asks us to help Him with His Harvest. Yes, the field is ripe unto the harvest, es­pecially in these great United States, and in our beautiful homeland, Hungary. The Lord willing, I’ll do my very best to be a witness for Him. I hope to be able to present informative and interesting articles in the Evangéliumi Hírnök, which will be of benefit to all of us not only in our everyday existence, but also as a means of witnessing to others. This is a new venture for me and I would appreciate your comments and opi­nions. But, most of all, I would sincerely be grateful for your prayers in my behalf. Claire (Klári) Vereczky Hungarian Baptist Union Receipts for the Month of November Mission Bethesda Church, Palm Bay, FL $150.00 Bethesda Retirement Home, Palm Bay, FL ........................... 450.00 High Street Church, New Brunswick, NJ .................. 400.00 Wadsworth Church, Wadsworth, OH 50.00 Rev. & Mrs. Molnár, Raleigh, NC 100.00 $1,150.00 Literature: Rev. & Mrs. Molnár, Raleigh, NC $40.00 Béla Marosi, Solon, OH ....................... 50.00 Alhambra Church, Alhambra, CA 100.00 Mr. & Mrs. Steve Panta, Toronto, Can 50.00 Mr. & Mrs. Imre Pass, Chateauquay, CAN...................... 83.50 Mrs. Maria Szerencsy, New Brunswick, NJ ...................... 25.00 Chicago Baptist Mission, Chicago, IL 100.00 $448.50 Thank you for your faithful support. Louis Drescher Treasurer Ha imádkozni akarsz, ne várj alkalma­sabb időre — mert akkor Istent várakoz­tatod meg. »mV gr»» I I I I I Mii October at Bethesda The beautiful Fall Season has arrived to display God’s splendor and to usher in cooler weather after the 90° temperatures of the past few months. The first few days we had visits from The Space Coast Early Intervention Center students, Palm Bay Girl Scouts, Peace Lutheran Church Pre-The participants of our patriotic program on Columbus Day. Schoolers — very special children who captured the hearts of our residents with their singing and enthusiastic hugs. On Columbus Day, the American Flag presented to Bethesda by Mr. & Mrs. Ted Haydn, was dedicated with the assistance of Mr. T. Sullivan, Mr. C. Cooper, and all the veterans presently living at Bethes­da. After a delicious Italian Dinner, a pat­riotic program and sing-a-long was held. Mr. W. Mantell, clothed in his WW I uni­form was honored as our oldest veteran (93). After several weeks of letter writing and planning, The Fall Festival was held on October 14, with the unselfish assis­tance by the Bethesda Baptist Church Ladies Aid. We’re always happy to greet our special guests: Mr. & Mrs. Karl Reiter, Mr. & Mrs. Bill Dyer, Mr. & Mrs. Bill Butti, Mary Bauswein, and Mr. & Mrs. Julius Kish. Thanks to all of you who take the time to bring joy into our lives through your visits. Mr. Ivan Brown has returned to Ghana to resume his work with the Wycliffe Bible Translators. Please join us in pray­ing for him that he may fully enjoy the blessings of his “calling”. We covet your earnest prayers concern­ing the immediate needs of The Home regarding prospective residents (several relocated to nursing homes), and the day­­to-day finances. We gratefully acknow­ledge all of our supporters who have Mr. Charles Cooper and Mr. William Mantell in his WW I uniform. given for years and years, and all those who remember the work on a monthly basis. Without your support, the conti­nued success of Bethesda would not be possible. We pray, that our Father will meet your daily needs as you reach out to the elderly who come our way for watch­ful care. God bless you one and all. Ernest Cziraky Administrator * * * CONTRIBUTIONS Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kish ............... $ 60.00 Silliman Memorial Baptist Church 30.54 Mrs. Rose Newman .............................. 25.00 Bethesda Baptist Church.......................175.00 Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Biro ................ 25.00 Mr. and Mrs. Julius Kish .................... 100.00 Mr. and Mrs. Zoltán Szabó ................ 200.00 Mr. and Mrs. István Palotai ................ 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. John Hydn ................... 100.00 Mrs. Esther Fodi ...................................... 50.00 Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Bokor ........... 50.00 Mrs. Ruth Kish ....................................... 10.00 Hungarian Baptist Church of New York City ............................120.00 Mrs. Margaret Nemeth .......................... 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. William Butti 15.00 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cziraky ............... 50.00 $1030.54 In loving memory of Stephen Szabó Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stumpf............... 25.00 In loving memory of Rev. and Mrs. Gabriel Petre Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Petre, Jr. 1000.00 In loving memory of Elizabeth O’Neil Mr. and Mrs. William R. O'Neil 10.00 $1035.00 Total contributions: $2065.54 T

