Evangéliumi Hírnök, 1972 (64. évfolyam, 1-24. szám)
1972-06-01 / 11. szám
1972. június 1. EVANGÉLIUMI HÍENÖK 5. oldal Afternoon: 2:00— 2:20 2:20— 2:40 2:40— 3:40 3:40— 4:00 4:00— 4:30 4:30— 5:00 Evening: 7:00— 7:10 7:10— 7:30 7:30— 8:00 8:00— 8:30 Morning: 9:00— 9:20 9:20—10:20 10:20—11:30 11:30—12:00 Afternoon: 1:30— 2:00 2:00— 5:00 5:00— 7:00 HUNGARIAN BAPTIST UNION OF AMERICA Sixty-fourth Convention------------------------------- JULY 13—16, 1972. -------------------------------Silliman Memorial Baptist Church, Bridgeport, Connecticut. Convention Theme: ONE WAY FOR MODERN MAN. Convention leaders: President: Bela Udvamoki. Vice-president: Árpád Fiilöp. Secretary: Edward A. Orosz. Treasurer: Mrs. Jack Steg. Clerks: Mrs. Joseph Szerencsy. Hunter-Vadasz Janos. THURSDAY, JULY 13. Evening: 7:00— 9:00 Women’s festival. Devotional. John Hunter-Vadasz. Opening of the Convention, greetings. Reports from churches. Report of the Bethesda Baptist Home. Louis Kurtz. Foreign Mission report. Alexander Haraszti. Memorial Service. Ladislau Biro. Song-service. Secretary’s report. Edward A. Orosz. President’s report. Bela Udvamoki. Address. "The One Way of Experiencing Fellowship: Christian Love." Arpad Fulop. (In Hungarian.) SATURDAY, JULY 15. Morning: 9:00— 9:20 9:20—10:30 10:30—11:15 11:15—11:30 11:30—12:00 Devotional. Finance Committee’s report. Elmer Kish. Election of officers. Installation of officers. Edward A. Orosz. Address. "The One Way of Christian Service: Surrender to His Will.” Alexander Haraszti. (In Hungarian.) Afternoon: 2:00— 2:20 2:20— 3:10 3:10— 4:00 4:00— 4:30 Devotional. George Toth. Sunday School Conference. Unfinished business. Reading of the minutes. FRIDAY, JULY 14. Devotional. Treasurer’s report. Convention: Mrs. Jack Steg. Literature: Mrs. Jack Steg. Bethesda Home: Elmer Kish. Mission and Literature Committee’s report. Alexander Haraszti. Address. "The One Way of Reconciliation for the World: The Cross of Christ." Gustav Szabadi. (In Hungarian.) Executive meeting of Ladies Aid. Women's Convention. Deacons’ Meeting. Ministers’ Meeting. Banquet. Evening: 7:00— 7:30 Address. "Sharing in Mission." Lincoln B. Wadsworth. 7:30— 9:00 Address: "The One Way of Evangelizing: Christian Witness.” David O. Lindsay. Presentation of the Good News by group of the Silliman Memorial Baptist Church. SUNDAY, JULY 16. Morning: 9:30— 9:50 Devotional. Edward Kish. 10:00—10:30 Address. "The OneWay of Demonstrating God’s Love: Helping our Brother.” To Hungarian group: Edward A. Orosz. To English group: Stephen Toth. 10:45—12:00 Worship. "The One Way of Salvation: Jesus Christ.” Sermon by Orlando Tibbetts. Communion. David O. Lindsay. The closing of the Convention.