Egyháztörténeti Szemle 18. (2017)

2017 / 4. szám - SUMMARIES IN ENGLISH - Lugosi-Szabó Gergely: The transformation of the relationship between the state and religious communities, as well as its specific examination of the Hungarian Catholic Church in relation to the period 1988–1990

128 Egyháztörténeti Szemle XVIII/4 (2017) the country. The period of the 1950s shows that despite the most serious and strictest methods of control, the insistence on religiousness and the Church strongly lived on in the society. The documents written by denun­ciators themselves show that they were aware of the facts that communist propaganda had not had a very deep impact on the believers, and the cler­gy, including the so-called peace priests, followed their superiors in the Church, and not the instructions given by the Office. The transformation of the relationship between the state and religious communities, as well as its specific examination of the Hungarian Catholic Church in relation to the period 1988—1990 Lugosi-Szabó, Gergely The churches, denominations and transformation of state examined the relationship between two aspects of the transition period. (1988-1990) First approach the change in the legal environment I looked at. Here, we can conclude that limiting the churches, denominations operate freely discriminatory legal environment between 1948-1989 significantly nar­rowed the scope of religious communities. Guaranteed churches, denomi­nations Free Basic operation of the System legislation essentially changes the penultimate Parliament enacted. The change in the legal environment is certainly welcome and im­portant step in the democratization in Hungary, but in my view - I am thinking especially of the 1990 IV. Law - weakened and aggrieved church­es, denominations against excessive expectations raised during the period of socialism. The requirement may be considered as an option, of course, but society and the State implicitly and explicitly formulated expectations and opportunities were far from being commensurate with each other. This example illustrates the change in the state and the Hungarian Catholic Church is the relationship, which I reviewed in the second half of my writ­ings. The far-reaching political, economic and social changes as a result terminated the authority of the state, the churches, denominations for. However, the Catholic Church, but also for other denominations were ob­served by society a sense of impatience. Often they criticized the transition period of the Hungarian Catholic Church - and the other historical reli­gious community - slowness, caution, even excessive loyalty to the gov­ernment. In my view, this criticism is only partly borne their place. The transition period the state is really a much more proactive conduct towards religious communities, which was treated in the churches, denominations caution. However, the period 1989-1990, it was not possible to see clearly that formed Hungary's fate. Do not forget that at that time existed in the Soviet Union and our country will continue to Soviet soldiers were sta­tioned. In this situation, as well as XX. Due to centuries of historical expe­rience to understand that the denominations carefully attitude towards the State experienced a sudden change. As a result, denominations, such as the Hungarian Catholic Church, primarily legal guarantees broad purpose, deepening in mind.

