Az Egri Tanárképző Főiskola Tudományos Közleményei. 1969. (Acta Academiae Paedagogicae Agriensis ; : Nova series ; Tom. 7.)

[1.4] Ferdinand de Saussure: Bevezetés az általános nyelvészetbe. Ford. В. Lőrinczy Éva. Bp. 1967. [15] Бодуэн де Куртенэ И. A. s Из патологии н эмбрпшшм ни языка. Избранные работы по общему языкознанию I. 142—145. 1. [16] Леонтьев А. А.: Психолингвистика. М. 1967. 85—86. 1. [17] Фидровская А. С. : В. А. Богородидкпй и сравнительное изучение языка' а Памяти В. А. Богородицкого с. gyűjteményben. Казань. 1961. 49; 51. 1. [18] Чемоданов Н. С. i Сравнительное языкознание в России. М. 1956. 52. GREAT RUSSIAN LINGUISTS III. V. A. BOGORODITSKI SUMMARY The scientific work of V. A. Bogoroditski the best-known and most outstanding representative of the linguistic school of Kazan' is studied by the authors. That part of the versatile linguist's spiritual legacy is dealt with which is of a general cha­racter and can be used also for the purposes of modern research in linguistic theory. Bogoroditski's phonetic system and his theory of the psychological background of the function of language are described. Special attention is given to Bogoroditski's teachings on the morphological changes in language. His opinions of basic morpho­logical changes analogy, simplification, differentiation and morphological absorption are described. It is shown in this connection how Bogoroditski developed further Baudouin de Courtenay' s tehory of morphological apsorption. Bogoroditski's attitude to comprative linguistics is outlined. Also described are the reform proposals that he made for the elimination of the onesidedness of comparative linguistics: the necessity of syndaronic examination and of relative choronology. It is emphasized that in the field of the examination and explanation of individual linguistic pro­perties Bogoroditski came not only to the distinction between language and individual language but also studied the difference between them. On the basis of his researches made in this field he may be regarded as a precursor of psycholin­guistics. It is told how on the basis of Baudouin de Courtenay's views under W. Hum­boldt's influence and using W. Wundt's results Bogoroditski developed his particular system of linguistic theory which is basically a consequent materialistic explanation of the psychophysiological phenomena is speech. 252

