Az Egri Tanárképző Főiskola Tudományos Közleményei. 1963. (Acta Academiae Paedagogicae Agriensis ; : Nova series ; Tom. 1.)

I. Tanulmányok az oktatás és nevelés kérdéseiről - Dr. Berencz János: A szocialista esztétikai nevelésről

Analysing the pedagogical effects of artistical subjects, the study characterises the pedagogical values of litterature, fine arts, music, film, radio and television. The third Part of our study refers to the general methodical principles and problems of aesthetical education, emphasizing the principle of activity and enume­rating some mediate and immediate methodical procedures, among them the role of plays. Finally, the Part IV. calls attention, to some results, faults and perspecti­ves of our aesthetical education. 32

