Az Eszterházy Károly Tanárképző Főiskola Tudományos Közleményei. 1993. Sectio Scientarium Economicarum et Socialium. (Acta Academiae Agriensis : Nova series ; Tom. 21)

Bárányné Szabadkai Éva: Dr. Kollár Zoltán "periférikus fejlődés és latin-amerikai alternatívák" cfmű akadémiai doktori értekezésének védéséről

BÁRÁNYNÉ SZABADKAI ÉVA BKE Pedagógus-közgazdászok Továbbképzési és Információs Központja DR. KOLLÁR ZOLTÁN "PERIFÉRIKUS FEJLŐDÉS ÉS LATIN­AMERIKAI ALTERNATÍVÁK" CÍMŰ AKADÉMIAI DOKTORI ÉRTEKEZÉSÉNEK VÉDÉSÉRŐL RÉSUMÉ: The author of the resume outlines the content of the Academic doctoral dissertation "Peripheral development and Latin American alternatives" of Zoltán Kollár, summarizes its main theoretical theses and refers also to those questions raised during the discussion by the Academic opponents. The dissertator, after a retrospection on the 20th century particularly post-1929/33 crisis tendencies in general, analyses the major economic events and processes in Latin America in the period from the late 1950s — early 1960s to our present days, and investigates those factors and conditions strongly influencing the economic policy of the countries of this region. He reveals the components, and causes of the almost permanent economic crisis which has deepened in the 1980s, and also those cicrumstances explaining its lasting nature. As related to the latter he outlines also those conditions (social, economic and other endowments) having determined the strategies, ways and means and effectiveness of crisis management in Latin America. In addition to the historical survey of the general development of Latin America, the dissertation provides us some insight into the history of the Latin American theories of development a critique of certain conceptions and an evaluation of economic policy experiences, too. It appears from the conclusions that certain lessons learnt from the Latin American examples may be useful also for the present crisis-managing Hungarian economic policy. This is also obvious in view of certain similarities (besides great many differences, in the recent position and problems of the Latin American and East-Central European countries in general, namely in facing serious economic difficulties and disequilibrium, being forced to carry out structural modernization without possessing adequate conditions and sufficient fighting to avoid or overcome peripherization, aiming at their 77

