Katsányi Sándor - Nagy Dezső: A ceglédi könyvtárügy története (Budapest, 1961)

Az olvasószolgálat főbb kérdései a Fővárosi Szabó Ervin kerületi könyvtárakban 401 F. DOBOS: IMPORTANT ASPECTS OF READER SERVICE IN THE DISTRICT BRANCHES OF THE „ERVIN SZABÓ” MUNICIPAL LIBRARY The study deals with aims and methods of reader service. The author holds that the aim of reader service is to comply with sound demands made by the reading public. Books should convey ideological education and afford general erudition, — they should offer cultured entertainment and be instrumental in educating the readers and improving their professional and technical knowledge. The author discusses the relations between belletristic writings with socialist tendencies, and general accomplishment, — between belles-lettres and ideological edu­cation and analyses the results registered in 1959 arising from the circulation of various types of book-groups, such as political-ideological literature, books on natural sciences, educational literature and belles-lettres. She investigates, by reader groups, the problems experienced with regard to professional training and improvement of professional know­ledge. A smaller part of the study is devoted to discussing different types of lending sys­tems and their effect on dealing with readers. The use of bibliographical tools (selected and recommending bibliographies, annotated catalogues, lists of new acquisitions etc.,) in reader service is also investigated and data are provided concerning the professional qualifications of librarians. Finally, the author summarizes the most important tasks which are required with a view to improving the standard of reader service. JoSt KliwVp^ CEGLÉD «

