Calvin Synod Herald, 1999 (99. évfolyam, 2-4. szám - 100. évfolyam, 9-12. szám)

1999-03-01 / 2. szám

CALVIN SYNOD HERALD- 2 -AMERIKAI MAGYAR REFORMÁTUSOK LAPJA In This Issue ENGLISH SECTION Cover: The Three Crosses..............................1 Calvin Synod News.......................................2-3 Rev. Dr. Wm.Bonis: A Letter on Cloning......4 Bishop's Easter Message...............................5 Rev. J.Paál: Geneva Reformation..................6 A Chicken in Every Pot.....................................7 Holy Week Poem..............................................8 MAGYAR RÉSZ Püspökünk üzenete..........................................9 Kálvin Egyházkerületünk Hírei.................10-11 Paál Gy.: A történelmi kálvinizmus...............12 Magyar Kálvin Synod története.............13-14 Hírek, versek....................................................15 Hirdetések........................................................16 1999 is not actually the closing year of this century and millennium as yet. In or­der to be exact, this century and millennium will officially end on the last day of the year 2000 A.D. □□□ CORRECTION: In our former issue, we mentioned the 45th anniversary of the Grace Hungarian Reformed church in Tarzana, whereas in fact, it was their 40th. 1998-1999 Commemorations will continue by Hungarians all around the Globe until October 6, 1999, the fateful Day of Arad, which ended in a most tragic event of the glorious War of Independence. Synod's Vacant Pulpits Bridgeport, CT Gary, IN Norridge, IL Kalamazoo, Ml Columbus, OH Those interested in applying for these positions are asked to contact the Bishop. Bishop: Rt. Rev. Louis Medgyesi Auxiliary Bishop: Rt. Rev. Bela Poznan General Secretary: Rev. K.K. Ludwig Treasurer: Wilburn A. Roby, Jr. Synod Presbyter: Edward Szabó Bishops Emeriti: Rt. Rev. Dr. Francis Vitéz and Rt. Rev. Dr. Stephen Szabó All church and church-school contribu­tions to Hungary and its succession states should be channelled through our Synod treasurer. Thus, both the local congrega­tion and the Synod will receive well-de­served recognition for the mission gift. Our Synod treasurer’s address is: MR. WILBURN ROBY Jr. 264 Old Plank Road Butler, PA 16002-3810 □□□ Rev. Dr. Szabolcs Kálmán’s Circular As Dean of Lakeside Classis, he sent a warm-hearted circular to the Lakeside con­gregations announcing his visitations to the constituting churches, providing help wher­ever needed. He received the “Árpád Gold Medal” from the Magyar Társaság’s Árpád Akadémia. Congratulations for his leading role in our overseas connections! QQQ Rev. Ernest Kósa’s 50th Anniversary He started at Cleveland’s First Church as assistant minister to our editor, which was demanded by the Armed Services for chaplains before entering. He spent 48 years in the chaplaincy of the U.S.A. A proper celebration was held for him on January 31, 1999 at the First Presbyterian Church of Sparta, NJ, which is in his home­town. Heartiest congratulations were for­warded to him at the time of this well-de­served celebration. At the same time, a simi­lar commemoration was made by Rev. István Géczy in the Cleveland First Church in both Services. □□□ Rev. Ágoston Dobos, along with his family, is with us from the Mother-Church. From the Ashland, Ohio Theological School, he supplies to some of our churches. He is the grandson of Rev. Dr. Charles Dobos, who was one of the Dr. Good Scholarship students from Hungary in his youthful days, and served the Daisytown, PA congregation. At the age of 96, he is still active in Budapest. He is the highly respected leader of our Mother- Church’s Lepra Mission. □ŰÜ Rev. Attila Bartha is also with us, who was brought over by our U.C.C. (our step­mother in America), and is also doing sup­ply work all around. He started in Cleve­land first, and is now in Lorain, Ohio. We are pleased by the fact that the former Dr. Good Scholarship Fund (which was trans­ferred from the Central Seminary to Eden Seminary) is doing good work again after the long period of cessation in the war and cold-war years. OOQ The 1999 Annual Meeting of the Calvin Synod will be held May 11 -14,1999, in the Ramada Inn of Sommerset, PA. All four classees of the Synod will have prepara­tory meetings called by the Dean of each classis. QOQ The Calvin Synod Council Meeting was held March 7-10, 1999 in Mt. Pleasant, PA in order to prepare for our annual Synod Meeting. □CO The misprint in our former issue may have been a temporary psychological mis­lead caused by reading John Lukács’ “The End of the Twentieth Century”. The great Hungarian-born historian measures the centuries by deciding events, not by deci­mal years. According to him, the 20th cen­tury began with the guns of World War I, in 1914, and ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989. CALVIN © vfiuriii SYNOD HERfiLD w Reformátusok Lapja Official Organ Of The Calvin Synod United Church of Christ • Founded in 1900 CALVIN SYNOD HERALD (ISSN 0161-6900) is published bi-monthly for $10.00/year for individual subscriptions; $8.00/year for group subscriptions; $6.00/year for 50 or more copies by Rt. Rev. Dr. Stephen Szabó, 415 Steven Blvd., Cleveland, Ohio 44143-1723. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Oh. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to CALVIN SYNOD HERALD, 415 Steven Blvd., Cleveland, Oh 44143-1723 Editor-in-Chief: Rt. Rev. Louis Medgyesi, bishop Newsletters prepared & printed by C. Paksi - (440) 729-1765

