Armuth Miklós - Lőrinczi Zsuzsa (szerk.): A Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem Történeti Campusa (Budapest, 2023)

A Könyvtár épülete - The Library Building Gy. Balogh Ágnes

1 6 0 for compact stores to have the potential to house the collection for the next 35-40 years. In June 2001 a new organisational unit within the university named BME OMKK was founded by integrating the Library and Information Centre of the Budapest University of Tech­nology and Economics (BME KTK] and the National Technical and Information Centre and Library (OMIKK). This in turn necessitated new reading rooms and work station offices as well. In the very same year the new Eco­nomics and Sciences Reading Hall was com­pleted on the mezzanine of the Central Build­ing, just like the underground corridor con­necting the library with the Central Building and the deep store. The reconstruction of the Main Reading Hall was finished in 2001-2002 including the re­placement of the R-C flooring beneath the reading hall, the modernisation of the windows in the Main Reading Hall and the restoration of the triple door and the reading desks almost exactly to their original designs. As the compact store in the cellar beneath the Main Reading Hall was elimi­nated, it came to house the Technology Specialist Reading Hall. The reconstruction of the roofing along with the reinforcement of the ridge turret was also realised in 2002. In 2013 the heating systems of the foyer and the ground-floor corridor were modernised thanks to a successful EU project to utilise geothermal energy. As a result of the recon­struction, the heating system of the Main Reading Hall was also modernised by installing a calorifer with a thermal pump which blew 25 °C air into the room. During the moderni­sation of the heating system the cement floor-tiles of the foyer and the corridor were also replaced. As a result of all these restorations, we now have the pleasure to admire the building restored almost perfectly to its original design: it is one of the most spec­tacular contributions to the university Campus and justifiably praised as possibly the most successful architectural work by Samu Pecz.

