Pécs és Baranya 1956-ban - Baranyai történelmi közlemények 3. A Baranya Megyei Levéltár Évkönyve 2008 (BML, 2008)


number of Hungarian refugees however much more Hungarian people fled to Austria than it had been expected. Until the middie of 1956, 130 thousand people crossed the Hungarian-Austrian border. Immigrants were also selected based on the aspect of travelling farther, mainly the USA took steps like this, according to people's ability to work. The attitude of Austria concerning refugees was also the tri al of the Geneva Refugee Convention. Considering all this, Austria proved helpfulness towards Hungarian refugees, but mainly in the field of providing their travelling farther. Less than 10 % of 200 thousand Hungarians fleeing to Austria stayed in the country. Dezső Vargha: The functioning of Dunántúli Napló in the first week of the 1956 revolution (23-28 October) The author presents how significant effect the press had tiron local phenomena of the revolution, what manipulating political power the party possessed through its workers at the press. He can present all this by the characterization of the editing of the Dunántúli Napló, the party newspaper of Baranya County of 1956 as well as by the analysis of its articles. The author chooses the method that he demonstrates the whole structure of issues of the paper; not only articles discussing national and local events of the revolution but also writings which were "policy-neutral". Therefore, the reader has the opportunity to compare the essential phenomena of revolution history of Pécs and Baranya County, which thus have been familiarized with, to events represented by the paper. During the days following the 23rd of October the journalists of the paper, who acquired political experiences in the Rákosi­régime, endeavoured to be loyal to forces of the Rákosi-régime still being in power. On the other hand, they made party reformers speak at the same time. When publishing the establishment of workers' councils they encouraged to follow the Jugoslavian model. They reported on events of Pécs in an incomplete way or according to presumed party aspects. Memoirs of György Vajgert, Lajos Nemes, József Farkas, Dr. Tivadar Berkovits, Antal Czukor The remembering writings and interviews summarize the participants' memories of the revolution of Pécs. György Vajgert took an active part during the days of revolution as the member of a transport company's wor­kers' council in Pécs, after the defeat of the revolution he was a member of the Pécs workers' delegate, wich carried on negotiations with the new government in Budapest. The interviewee tells his opinion about the special importance of the workers' councils during the revolution. Lajos Nemes, the member of the delegation of the workers' council of the Electric Supplies Co. of Pécs negotiated in the police after 4th November 1956 to release his

