Pécs és Baranya 1956-ban - Baranyai történelmi közlemények 3. A Baranya Megyei Levéltár Évkönyve 2008 (BML, 2008)


colleagues from prison. The leaders of the workers' council at the company switched the current off in the police station during the negotiation and so they reached to release the prisoners. The three remembering writings summarize the memories of the participants of the revolution of Pécs. In this publication Tivadar Berkovits talks about his experiences acquired in the group of freedom-fighters of Mecsek. His work gives information on the destiny of young people leaving the troop and going towards Jugoslavia, which troop was commanded by Géza Horváth, under the cover name 'Gazda' (Farmer). Those young people were permitted to leave the troop by the commander and returned from Mecsek to the town. Berkovits was released from the cellar of the former headquarters of the central police station ( the former State Security Authority, AVH) with the help of his patrons and was able to safely leave the country. He was granted political asylum in Sweden. There he completed a university and occupied intellectual posts. However, as an excile, he never forgot his past of 1956 and continued political fight for the aims of the revolution in the organisations of the Hungarian emigration. During the days after 4th November 1956 József Farkas was fighting with arms at the gate of the Mecsek Hills over Pécs against Soviet tanks keeping to the Mecsek and then fled to Jugoslavia. Later he moved to New Zealand and then to Australia. He has established a family and his existence. Currently he spends half a year in his house situated in Sidney and half a year in his house and estate bought in Kisharsány located in Baranya County. His report published here talks about his adventurous life. Antal Czukor was a member of the National Guard in village Somogy (former Vasas 1.) situated near Pécs. Following the Soviet conquest he and his young colleagues threw with stones the window of the building accomodating meetings of the local party and council leaders. Thus, he was sentenced to imprisonment. As a conequence of his criminal record it was difficult for him to find a job. In spite of this, he graduated from a university due to his persistent will-power and has become a successful electrical engineer. He recollects his memories concerning Pécs of 1956. Letter of Ferenc Ung (portions) We publish some ofthese. Ferenc Ung was one of the protagonists of the revolution of Pécs as a medical student as well as the member of MEFESZ and of the workers' council of Baranya county (BMMNT). Following 4 November 1956 he left the country for Jugoslavia. Later he established his livelihood in Sweden. We publish a passage of his letter written in a refugee camp of Eszék (Osijek), which presents the anxiety of fleeing across the frontier as well as everyday life of living in the camp.

