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21. Contents (10. oldal)
[...] and H Laski to I Brodarics and T Nádasdy Buda 18 April 1531 265 135 István Brodarics to Tamás Nádasdy Gyulafehérvár 25 April 1531 266 13 6 István Brodarics to Tamás Nádasdy Torda 11 May 1531 268 13 7 István Brodarics to Tamás Nádasdy Gyulafehérvár 25 July 1531 269 [...]
22. Contents (11. oldal)
[...] 1532 292 15 1 István Brodarics to Tamás Nádasdy Gyulafehérvár 3 April 1532 293 [...] 1532 295 15 3 István Brodarics to Tamás Nádasdy Veken 20 April 1532 296 [...] and István Brodarics to Tamás Nádasdy Lippa 14 June 1532 303 158 István Brodarics to Tamás Nádasdy Várkony 2 July 1532 305 [...]
23. Contents (12. oldal)
[...] 1532 337 17 9 István Brodarics to Tamás Nádasdy Buda 21 December 1532 338 180 István Brodarics to Tamás Nádasdy Buda 26 December 1532 339 181 István Brodarics to Tamás Nádasdy Buda 27 December 1532 341 1533 182 István Brodarics to Tamás Nádasdy Buda 4 January 1533 342 [...]
24. Contents (13. oldal)
[...] 1533 400 21 5 István Brodarics to Tamás Nádasdy Buda 17 December 1533 402 [...] January 1534 408 220 István Brodarics to Tamás Nádasdy Buda 22 February 1534 411 221 István Brodarics to Tamás Nádasdy Pécs 8 April 1534 412 222 István Brodarics to Tamás Nádasdy Pécs 8 April 1534 413 [...]
25. Contents (14. oldal)
239 István Brodarics to Elek Thurzó Buda 12 January 1535 436 240 István Brodarics to Elek Thurzó Buda 27 [...] 241 Mátyás Brodaryth to István Brodarics Pécs 3 February 1535 440 [...] July 1535 461 254 István Brodarics to Tamás Nádasdy Buda 30 August 1535 462 [...]
26. Contents (16. oldal)
[...] 293 Antal Verancsics to István Brodarics Segesvár 14 February 1538 517 [...] by János Szapolyai to István Brodarics Buda 29 March 1538 518 [...] Frangepán G Pesthény and I Brodarics to Elek Thurzó Buda 2 [...] July 1538 538 309 István Brodarics to Tamás Nádasdy Vác 15 July 1538 541 [...]
27. Contents (17. oldal)
328 István Brodarics to Paul III Vác 8 [...] 1538 568 32 9 István Brodarics to Elek Thurzó Vác 8 [...] August 1539 597 349 István Brodarics to Tamás Nádasdy Vác 17 October 1539 598 [...] from Miklós Oláh about István Brodarics 605 7 István Brodarics to Piotr Tomicki 606 In [...]
28. Preface (19. oldal)
[...] of the letters of István Brodarics was published first in 1908 [...] Kujáni published 43 letters of Brodarics kept in the Nádasdy Collection of the MOL complemented [...] in the chapter devoted to Brodarics 1 2 3 After Kujáni [...] as Gábor Kujáni put it Bro­darics biography is virtually told by [...]
29. On the Correspondence of István Brodarics (21. oldal)
[...] bishopric of Vác in 1537 Brodarics besides his diplomatic activities maintained [...] with regard to letters by Brodarics V Kovács interprets Brodarics different style his essential leanness [...] Luther his answers lies in Bro­darics connections that are strongly coloured [...] on the one hand Tamás Nádasdy whom he sees as one [...]
30. On the Correspondence of István Brodarics (23. oldal)
[...] creates a reverse situation for Brodarics What is a desirable goal [...] cannot exclude the possibil­ity that Brodarics had absolutely no intention to [...] we have 254 letters from Brodarics The prominent high priest must [...] in private archives like the Nádasdy archives or in foreign archives [...]
31. Principles of Publication • Acknowledgments (24. oldal)
[...] if in a letter to Nádasdy the salutation is Vestra Dominatio [...] that collecting the correspondence of Brodarics was an idea dear to [...]
32. 1525 (106. oldal)
[...] Brodaryth doctor secretarius 39 István Brodarics to Louis II Buda 21 [...] 260226 MOL 285402 1 2 Brodarics presents to the King a [...] a remark of the relator Brodarics that King Louis sanctioned the [...] is the mother of Tamás Nádasdy so he is the uncle [...]
33. 1526 (157. oldal)
[...] incolumis et felix 72 István Brodarics to Archduke Ferdinand Pozsony 15 [...] bis steadfast loyalty some­thing which Nádasdy can confirm 2 He can [...] Louis sent Royal Secretary Tamás Nádasdy 1498 1562 to the imperial [...] did not happen that way Brodarics changed sides in March 1527 [...]
34. 1526 (160. oldal)
[...] 75 Ferenc Sárffy to István Brodarics Győr 19 October 1526 Manuscript [...] who were to meet besides Brodarics Palatine István Báthori Bishop of [...] 6 The legation sent to Brodarics as well obviously also served [...] 1526 testifies We know from Nadasdy s letter also dated Pozsony [...]
35. 1527 (175. oldal)
[...] Ferdinand and Charles V s Brodarics undoubtedly refers to the Pozsony [...] 2010 55 56 10 Tamás Nádasdy former secretary of Louis II [...]
36. 1529 (250. oldal)
[...] vehementer desidero Datum 125 István Brodarics to Piotr Tomicki and Krzysztof [...] to forgive him 2 Tamás Nádasdy Ferdinands Constable in Buda escaped [...]
37. 1531 (263. oldal)
[...] Broderici Sirmiensis litterarum 133 István Brodarics to Camillo Orsini 1 Buda [...] s letter have been accepted Brodarics also sends King John s [...] jiost pariato dei como 4 Brodarics as an envoy to Rome [...] it in his letter to Nádasdy on 21 December 1532 A [...]
38. 1531 (265. oldal)
[...] and Hieronym taski to István Brodarics and Tamás Nádasdy Buda 18 April 1531 Manuscript [...] Palatine and Laski They request Brodarics and Nádasdy to influence the King in [...]
39. 1531 (266. oldal)
[...] etc fratribus carissimis 135 István Brodarics to Tamás Nádasdy Gyulafehérvár 25 April 1531 Manuscript used MOL E 185 Brodarics levelek fol 1 2 Published Kajjáni Gábor Brodarics István levelezése 1508 1538 Történelmi [...] Vécs in Transylvania to Maylád Nádasdy on the other hand should [...]
40. 1531 (267. oldal)
[...] Barta the secret talks with Nádasdy could take place in March [...] purpose might have been separating Nádasdy from Gritti who was accumulating [...] also began at this time Nádasdy received instruction from Szapolyai the [...] életrajza Budapest 1899 290 5 Brodarics hit the nail on the [...]