Zs. P. Komáromy szerk.: Studia Botanica Hungarica 16. 1982 (Budapest, 1982)

Hably, Lilla: The relation between Pb-pollution along mainroads and the trace element-composition in soil and vegetation (Examination of section rectangular to M3 mainroad)

Acknowledgement The author is indebted to dr. József Andó senior lecturer for the scientific supervision of the thesis, special thanks are due to Mrs. Gábor Szilágyi and Mrs. Eleonóra Halász-Dávid for their help with the technical work; to Mrs. Béla Nagy for his valuable assistance rendered in the evaluation of the spectroanalysis; to Mr. László Hoffman, Miss Erika Balázs and Mrs. Erzsébet Kutrik for the atomabsorption measurements; to Mrs. Eva Rennich for the derivato­grams. Thanks are due to dr. Margit Kovács for her assistance with special literature as well as to Professor Dr. Éva Donáth-Pécsy for the scientific criticism of this work. The valuable assistance of my husband, György Szakmány rendered in every phase of my work is gratefully acknowledged. REFERENCES BONTA et al. (1969): Munkaegészségtan. [Labour hygiene]. - Táncsics kiadó, Budapest DAVIS, D. BECKETT, P.H.T. (1978): The use of Young Plants to Detect Metal Accumulations in Soils. - Wat.Pollut.Control, pp. 193-210. DAY, P.J. (1977): Lead pollution in Christchurch. - N.Z.Journ.of Sei., 20: 395-406. ERDEY, L. (1970): Bevezetés a kémiai analizisba I. Műszaki kémiai analizis. Qntroduction of the chemical analysis I. Technical chemical analysis]. - Tkv. kiadó, Budapest. KLINCSEK, P. (1976): Kipufogógázok okozta ólomszennyeződés fákon és cserjéken. [Lead pollution by exhaust-gaz on the trees and shrubs], - Kertgazdaság, 8(4): 473-484. NEMECZ, E. (1973): Agyagásványok. [Clay minerals]. - Akadémiai kiadó, Budapest, 507 pp. Author's address: Dr. L. HABLY Botanical Departmant of the Hungarian Natural History Museum H-1476 Budapest, Pf. : 222 HUNGARY

