Szabolcs-Szatmár-Beregi levéltári évkönyv 18. (Nyíregyháza, 2008)

Tanulmányok Szabolcs, Szatmár és Bereg megyék múltjából - Gottfried Barna: Kurucok és internáltak Székelyek a vörös és a nemzeti hadseregben, ill. román fogságban, 1919-1920

A Székely Hadosztály katonái Szatmárnémetiben. 1919. március 2. http://mek. oszk. hu/02100/02185/html/55, html BARNA GOTTFRIED: The Kuruc and the Intern Székely Hungarians in the Red and in the National Army and in Roumanian Captivity A state without statesmen, 'world-saving' illusionists, spiritual and intellectual dwarfs, an atomised nation Hungary, 1918-1919. People, men, soldiers who recognised the real values and were able to act. A division which was bom due to individual initiative and voluntariness. The Székely Division in which not only Székely Hungarians were serving but all the members of which were proud of being called 'Székely'. The present paper makes an effort to introduce the 'second chapter' of their story to the readers.

