Katona Ferencz (szerk.): Állami Déryné Színház 1951 - 1975 (Budapest, 1975)

Az 1974 - 1975-ös színiévad társulati névsora

212 ABBREVIATIONS A: = revised by L: = libretto a Ik. = adapted by leg. == legend Bem. = first performance Mesej. = dramatized fairy tale Bo. = farce Népszm. = folk play c. = title Op. = operetta D. = set designer r. = part Dj. — Singspiel R: = director Dr. = play Sr: = assistant director Dsz. = lyrics szak. == section elb. = prose fiction Szm. = play előj. = prologue Tört. = historical F. = translated by Tr. == tragedy f. h. = student Tragiko. = tragicomedy Felúj.= revival Új bet. = new production fv. = act utój. = epilogue Gyermekbo.= farce for children V: = conducted by. at the piano Hangsz:= set for music by Vigo. = comic opera j­= game Vivőm: = fencing master J: = costume designer Vj. = comedy Jm: = master of ceremonies Z: = music k. = scene ZA; = music adapted by K: = choerography zenesz: = composer Km. = took part Zj. = games with music Ko. = comedy Zko. = comedy with music Korrep:= correpetitor Zmj. = fairy tale with music költ. = poem Zszm. == play with music közj. 1. = intermezzo = see Zvj. = comedy with music

