Bálint Laura szerk.: A Csíki Székely Múzeum Évkönyve 2004. Természettudományok (Csíkszereda, 2004)

A gyepi béka (Rana temporaria Linnaeus, 1758) állományvizsgálata petecsomó számlálással egy Csíkszereda melletti nedves területen (Demeter László)

A CSÍKI SZÉKELY MÚZEUM ÉVKÖNYVE 2004 323-333 DEMETER LÁSZLÓ A GYEPI BÉKA (RANA TEMPORARIA LINNAEUS, 1758) ÁLLOMÁNYVIZSGÁLATA PETECSOMÓ SZÁMLÁLÁSSAL EGY CSÍKSZEREDA MELLETTI NEDVES TERÜLETEN* Abstract: [Study of the dynamics of a common frog population (Rana temporaria Linnaeus, 1758) using egg clump counts in a wetland near Miercurea Ciuc] In some Euro­pean countries all amphibian species are protected. In Romania there are conservation categories that allow the managed exploitation of certain wild species such as the common frog Rana temporaria. There are no published data on local common frog population in Romania. This paper summarizes the results of common frog egg clump monitoring between 1999 and 2003, estimates the number of breeding females, and investigates two factors affecting the common frog population: frog leg collection and habitat change in the Ciuc-basin, on a wetland area near Miercurea Ciuc. Out of thirteen studied spawning ponds four were affected negatively during the time of the study. Results indicate that there is a positive correlation between the size (surface area) of ponds and the number of egg clumps. The number of egg clumps was estimated at 4641 in 2003. Although some of the habitats were destroyed or altered to a high extent, no decrease of the breeding population is observed. Direct killing for legs accounts for several hundred individuals annually, this again didn't have any obvious effect on the reproducing population. The study area is one of the most precious common frog habitats in the Ciuc-basin, therefore its protection is recommended. Rezumat: [Studiul dinamicii unei populatii de broascä rosie de munte (Rana temporaria Linnaeus, 1758) într-o zona umedä lânga Miercurea Ciuc] în mai multe täri europene, toate spécule de amfibieni sunt protejate. In Romania, câteva spécii au statutul de „spécii a cäror prelevare din natura constituie obiectul mäsurilor de management". Broasca comunä (Rana temporaria) face parte din aceastä catégorie. Pana în prezent nu au fost publicate date asupra populatiilor locale de broascä comunä. Articolul de fatä prezintä rezultatele unui studii de monitoring a pontelor de broascä comunä între 1999 si 2003, estimeazä efectivul de femele si analizeazä impactul a doua factori asupra populatiei de broascä: efectul culegerii de picioare de broascä si efectul schimbärii habitatelor, într-o arie umedä în Depresiunea Ciucului, lânga Miercurea Ciuc. * A dolgozat szakmai áttekintéséért és az irodalom összegyűjtésében nyújtott segítségért Dr. Dan Cogälniceanunak és Härtel Tibornak tartozom köszönettel. A terepmunkában 2003-ban Kelemen Alpár volt segítségemre.

