Forró Albert - Gyarmati Zsolt szerk.: A Csíki Székely Múzeum Évkönyve 2004. Társadalom-és Humántudományok (Csíkszereda, 2004)

Az 1985. évi „menthetetlennek" nyilvánított csíksomlyói könyvlelet konzerválása és azonosítása (Benedek Éva okl. papírrestaurátor - Muckenhaupt Erzsébet muzeológus)

A CSÍKI SZÉKELY MÚZUM ÉVKÖNYVE 2004 161-186 BENEDEK ÉVA-MUCKENHAUPT ERZSÉBET AZ 1985. ÉVI „MENTHETETLENNEK" NYILVÁNÍTOTT CSÍKSOMLYÓI KÖNYVLELET KONZERVÁLÁSA ÉS AZONOSÍTÁSA Abstract: [Conservation and identification of books considered „unretrievable" in 1985] This study presents the problems of conservation and identification of books considered unretrievable, belonging to the valuable set of books found in 1985 and hidden in 1944-1948 in the walls of the Franciscan monastery from Sumuleu-Ciuc. After describing in details the conditions of conservation of the books and the laboratory investigations done, the study presents the desinfection and conservation-work and the restora­tion of those almost 30, after the strong chemical and biological attacks, unreachable volumes. As a consequence of the conservation, the book historian of the museum was able to identify 26 fragments of incunabulum. Another volume contains an old Hungarian book from the 17 ih century, the catholic bible translated by György Káldi, printed in Vienna in 1626. Unfortunately the identification of other 11 books seems to be -for the time being- imposible. The bodies of two books have almost completely been destroyed. The value of the fund is higher because of the leather cover and the Gothic or Renaissance decorations made by laic and monasterian workshops in the 15 ,h and 17 ,h century. The 86 ret­rievable incunabulae-saved by revealing them in 1985, the unbuilt incunabulae (7), conserved in the library of the university after 1944, as well as the 26 recently identified fragments which are considered unretrievable, are the object of the present study. These revelations place the Franciscan library from Sumuleu-Ciuc and its custodian, the Szekler Museum from Ciuc among the most valuable collections of the country. Rezumat: [Conservarea si identificarea cärtilor descoperite în anul 1985 sj considerate „irecuperabile"] Lucrarea prezintä problematica conservärii si identificärii cärtilor considerate irecuperabile apartinând valorosului fond de cärti ascuns în anii 1944-1948 în mänästirea franciscanä din Sumuleu-Ciuc sj descoperit în 1985. Dupä ce descrie pe larg starea de conservare a cärtilor si investigatiile de laborator efectuate, studiul prezintä activitatea de dezinfectie, conservare §i in parte de restaurare a celor aproape 30 de volume blocate în urma puternicului atac chimie sj biologie. În urma conservärii, istorieul de carte al muzeului a identificat 26 de fragmente de incunabule. Un alt volum contine o carte veche maghiarä din secolul al XVII-lea, biblia catolicä tradusä de György Káldi, tipäritä la Viena în 1626. Din päcatc, identificarea a 11 cärti blocate pare sj în continuare, deocamdatä, imposibilä. Douä dintre ele au blocul cärtii aproape în totalitate distrus. Valoarea fondului este ridicatä de legäturile din piele, ornamentate în stil gotic sau renascentist, produse aie unor ateliere laice si mänästiresti din secolele XV-XVII. Cele 86 de incunabule recuperabile salvate în urma descoperirii din 1985, incunabulele nezidite (7), conservate $i dupä 1944 în biblioteca mänästirii, precum §i cele 26 de fragmente considerate irecuperabile, recent identificate, care fac obiectul prezentului studiu, aceazä

