Acta Papensia 2016. - A Pápai Református Gyűjtemények Közleményei 16. évfolyam (Pápa, 2016)

2016 / 1-2. szám - Műhely - S. Lackovits Emőke: Egy református "szentasszony": özvegy Gere Istvánné Kispál Anna Kalotaszentkirályról

<Ф MŰHELY ф> Acta Papensia XVI (2016) 1-2. szám Summary EMŐKE S. LACKOVITS A holy woman: widow Mrs István Gere maiden name Anna Kispál from Kalotaszentkirály The ethnographer author presents the exemplary life of a deeply religious Hungarian reformed woman Mrs István Gere maiden name Anna Kispál living in Kalotaszentkirály, Romania. Anna Kispál was born in an old family in Kalotaszeg in 1928. His father’s name was Márton Kispál, a furrier, her mother’s name was Kata Kisjancsi. She married István Gere, a carpenter from Ka­lotaszeg in 1952. Although the communist regime harassed her family because of their properties and religion, she kept her religious faith in spite of these difficulties, which she passed on to her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Her life was full of prayers and reading the Bible. In her days she was hardworking, she owned moral principles, unselfishness, willingness to help, kindness, wisdom and demand on beauty. In the most difficult cases she endured hard­ships, for example caring of ill members of the family. She fulfilled the mission given her by God, and thus showing an example for the local community. » 212 «

