Földessy Edina, Szűcs Alexandra, Wilhelm Gábor: Tabula 2/2 (Néprajzi Közlemények; Budapest, 1999)

BÉRES ISTVÁN: Elfelejtett képek egy terepgyakorlatról

ISTVÁN BÉRES Forgotten pictures from a fieldwork project This photo-essay is about the relationship between "pictures" preserved by memory, photographs as images and the photographed reality. The article draws on portraits taken during fieldwork, as illustrations. It argues that photographs (whether made or collected) do not simply fix events, but they also elicit narrative texts both about the events and the pictures. The interpretive texts pro­duced during this process, and the photos themselves, are again able to set off narratives from the researcher that will then serve as the end result of the inquiry. However, it is the use of these pic­tures that will point to the places they will occupy during the construction of memories and interpre­tations.

