Földessy Edina, Szűcs Alexandra, Wilhelm Gábor: Tabula 1. (Néprajzi Közlemények; Budapest, 1998)

BALI JÁNOS: „Hungarofradizmus" Egy sportegyesület szimbolikája

CSEPELI GYÖRGY 1992 Nemzet által homályosan. Budapest. FEKETE PÁL I 963 Orth és társai... (Orth Gyógy - Schlosser Imre - Zsák Károly). Budapest. HADAS MIKLÓS - KARÁDY VIKTOR 1995 Futball és társadalmi identitás. Adalékok a magyar futball társadalmi jelentéstartalmainak tör­téneti vizsgálatához. Replika 14-1 5:89-120. MURRAY BILL 1995 A Celtic és a Rangers. Replika 14-15:212-132. NAGY BÉLA 1995 Fradi futballévszázad 1899-1995. Budapest. RÓZSA ANDRÁS 1981 Fociológia. Budapest. JÁNOS BALI „Hungarofradism" Symbolic construction of a soccer team The soccer team Fradi (Ferencvárosi Torna Club) is one of the best-known soccer clubs in Hungary. Starting at the turn of the century, teams picked up characteristic playing styles associated with them. As opposed to MTK (Magyar Testgyakorlók Köre), who utilised a highly skilful, intelligent style, the most popular team in the country, Ferencváros „played their hearts out". The values conveyed by Fradi - opposition to power and modernisation, tradition and nation - are, perhaps uniquely in Hungary, still positive categories among many people. In the 1950s Ferencváros was persecuted by ^ political authorities and identified with moral and national values that are very popular in the country to this day. These categories, values and identity patterns survive in the symbols like the Fradi- £ heart, the green-white colours, the Fradi-blood, or the green eagle. Fradi supporters and fans regarded £j themselves as members of a big family in which the personal ties are based on blood relationship. — This unique socio-historical character, which came to being around the turn of the century, at the time of the assimilation race between the Germans and Jews of the capital, still exerts its influence gv~; over Fradi's financial support system, the make-up of its followers and is responsible for the adversarial — }5 stance toward the team. For all that very reasons, if Fradi play an international football match - e.g. with Ajax Amsterdam in 1 995 -, this event is interpreted as a national contest or a national mission.

