S. Perémi Ágota (szerk.): A Laczkó Dezső Múzeum Közleményei 28. (Veszprém, 2014)

Vidi Nándorné: Karácsonyi énekes népszokás a bakonyi, Balaton-felvidéki német falvakban Christkindl (’Christ Child’)

CHRISTKINDL (‘CHRIST CHILD’). CHRISTMAS CAROL FOLKWAY IN THE GERMAN INHABITED VILLAGES OF BAKONY AND THE BALATON HIGHLANDS I. This folkway is known in 16, and played even today in 11 German inhabited villages of the Ba­kony and the Balaton Highlands, this tradition of Christkindl (Christ Child), Christkindl-play or Christkindl-travel is kept count as a some hundred years old heritage of our anchestors. The aim of this publication is to introduce this tradition, its spread and acceptance in Hungary and in other countries and to present the local habit. This study is mainly the result of field-work, and based on the answers of the interviews. The period of advent for Christians means the preparation (both phisically and mentally) for the birth of the Christ Child, thus it is not an accident that so many symbolic object, tradition and habit is related to Him. This Christkindl-play is one of these christmas carol traditions, when more actors show and propagate the birthhistory of the Christ Child. This tradition is alive even today in the Bakony and the Balaton Highlands at Bakonynána [Nana], Bánd [Band], Gyulafirátót [Ratot], Herend [He­rend] , Kislőd [Kischludt], Márkó [Marka], Magyar- polány [Polan], Tótvázsony [Totwaschon], Úrkút [Úrkút], Városlőd [Waschludt] and at Veszprémfajsz [Fais], it is known, but not played at Szentjakab- fa and Hidegkút. At Csehbánya [Böhmischütte], Lókút and Pula [Pula] only parts of this tradition remained in the memories of the inhabitants, and children no longer go Chritkindl. The preparation must start in October: — selecting actors — decorating and sewing the cloths and accessories — learning the songs — planning the route This preparation is done not only by the members of the Christkindl groups and their parents, but other unselfish and competent volunteers help them. The tradition is shown on 24th of December, in the German dialect of the settlement. The actors are girls, if there are not enough girls, then boys of their age can also participate. There are two groups at Herend and Városlőd, four at Gyulafirátót. The old Christkindl-play is supposed to have come from Bánd, Tótvázsony and Szentjakabfa, where nine actors played with homemade accessories:- proclaimer: with a wooden star, decorated with paper, symbolizing the star of Bethlehem, in her left hand, and with a bell in her right hand- stable angel: carry a betlehem with paper figures: Mary, Joseph, the 3 king: Jasper, Meny­hért, Boldizsár and the shepherds- 2 angels with candles: candlestick with a candle in their left hand, bell in their right hand- Mary: holding a cradle lined with colorful ribbons, with a doll in it, symbolizing the Child Christ- Christkindl: with a four-branched willow-tree tawse in her right hand for switching- little angel: with a red apple decorated with rosemary in her left hand- 2 shepherds: with a haversack made of towels for collecting charity At Márkó, Magyarpolány, Pula and Városlőd the character of Joseph appears, while at Veszprémfajsz the king can also be seen. Costume of the archaic Christkindls of Bánd: 2-3 white underskirt with lentgh till mid-leg, above this: quilled upper skirt decorated with colorful ribbons wide and colorful silk belt white shirt with 2-3 ruffs cashmere bodice in front decorated with heart- shaped, blue and pink ribbons and pearls wristbands on their wrists, white gloves, white tights and black shoes myrtle wreath on their heads On the head of the Christkindl of Bánd, there’s a kerchief, “tuft”, tied at back in a way that its two nooks can tightly hold the pattered red kerchief, folded into a rectangular shape, almost fully covering the face, thus making her unrecogniceable, because she is Jesus Christ, who brings the present. The apron of Mary and Christkind is white based 534

