Balogh Zoltán (szerk.): Neograd 2017. Tanulmányok a 70 éves Praznovszky Mihály tiszteletére - A Dornyay Béla Múzeum Évkönyve 40. (Salgótarján, 2017)

Néprajz - Várkonyi-Nickel Réka: A családi élet és a közösségi élet rendje a színterei a salgótarjáni acélgyári kolónián a második világháború előtt

RÉKA VÁRKONYI-NICKEL THE WAY OF FAMILY LIFE AND SOCIAL LIFE IN THE COLONY OF RIMAMURÁNY-SALGÓTARJÁN IRON WORKS CO. The steel works at Salgótáraján became operational in 1868 as the iron smelting fac­tory of Association of Iron Works of Salgótarján. The Rimamurány-Salgótarján Iron Works Co. was founded in 1881. Besides the factories at Ózd and Borsodnádasd it includ­ed the above-mentioned association of Salgótarján. The company established a colony for its workers on par with the highest contemporary standards that served as a model with opportunities of doing sports and entertainment. Workers came from the territory of present day Czech Republic and Slovakia. Subsequently, they started to build com­munity buildings and to create those networks, patterns and norms that social life required. The setteled inhabitants of the colony of the Rima, and of the whole settle­ment, were mainly catholics in Salgótarján. Only a relativly small minority belonged to the other three churches as lutherans, calvinist and jewish. The company laid emphasis on religious moral education of workers and their children. They gave fields and money for two church buildings (catholic and evangelic). The colony was a closed world. (A small town in the city.) Barriers marked the spatial boundaries of the colony of the steel works, while temporally it was the horn signalling the change of shifts that determined daily routine of inhabitants and this is what distinguished them from other groups of the society of the town. The main road of the colony was called the Steel factory street. There was an officer on the colony, supervising houses and cleanliness, he was called the master of housing. There was a small stream too, called Salgó. It was clean water, so the housewifes could wash clothes and children could play in it in summer time. The time and place of birth and death was in the houses of the colony. There were so many traditions of these importent moments. The Steel Corporation opened the first elemen­tary school in the 19th century and built a modern one in 1929. The boys started to work in the factory in the age of 14. 335

