Fűrészné Molnár Anikó szerk.: Komárom – Esztergom Megyei Múzeumok Közleményei 3. (Tata, 1989)

Történelem - Dr. Szíj Béla: Jókai Mór és a képzőművészet

Blumen in Gänze und detailgetreu (Blätter, Kapsel, Stengel usw.) gleichermassen zeigt. Im Frühjahr des darauffolgenden Jahres setzte er seine Studien nicht in Pápá, sondern an der Reformierten Hochschule in Kecskemét fort Auch dort zeichnete und malte er viel. In seinem Skizzenheft verewigte er seine Bekannten aus Kecske­mét, desweiteren auch die Gestalten aus den Romanen von Miklós Jósika, so z.B. die ûesAbafi und des letzten BáthorL Im Frühjahr 1845 ging er navh Pest, und dort lernte er inmitten seiner literari­schen Erfolge auch mehrer Ergebnisse der bildenden Kunst kennen. Später schrieb er Kritiken über Ausstellungen, vor allem über die Kunstausstellungen im Pester Kunstverein. Seine einschlägigen Schriften kennend kann man behaupten, dass er die sich langsam entwickelnden Ereignisse der nationalen Kunst aus vollem Herzen ehrte, er hat schon in seiner Jugend verstanden, dass die damaligen Künstler in ers­ter Linie den Grundstein legen mussten, weil wir - aus historischen Gründen - in der geschichtlichen Entwicklung zurückgeblieben waren. Sei ganzes Auftreten war von dem Zitat durchdrungen: „ Wir besassen wenig, vielleicht nicht viel hervorragendes, aber was wir gehabt haben, konnten wir verehren!" Mór Jókai and the Fine Arts Ph. D.Béla Szíj Mór Jókai is the best-known Hungarian writer in the world. But there are less who know that in his youth he liked to paint and draw. And there are even less who know such of his works. And even if they know something about his interest in fine arts these are facts taken from his novels, short strories and descriptions of journeis. He has woven very frequently in his writings his memories in connection with drawing and painting, and moreover that knowledge of analysis of character which he aquir­ed while painting portraits he used when forming the characters of his witings. In addition very frequently he used to illustrate his own descriptions of journeis. As to his tallent regarding painting and drawing, it has been inherited from her mother, who also could draw very well and who immortalized in her diary the most important events with drawings and paintings. The portraits painted by Jókai - that survived - first of all represent his closest re­latives. He immortalized with tint- drawing his sister Eszter and his brother Károly, as well as his brother-in-law Ferenc Vály who married Eszter. He also immortalized the Válys' child, Margit Vály (entitled Mari Vály). According to his rememberences, his first teacher was Gábor Orbán from Komá­rom. He has learned „all his architectural science" and as he noted down. „In this was has developed in me the passion for painting". Very soon he achieved that: „I immortalized everybody who was famous in Komárom, in India ink, pointing tech­nique or steel-engraving". He even obtained a graduating certificat from the Royal Draving School of Rév­komárom, and according to it: Mór Jókai in four years time has studied Excellently and Diligently the portraits...as well as the bases of the architecture...". As to his correspondance from his youth there are many references to this inte­rest and occupation. In April 1842 he writes the following to her mother: „I portrai­192

