Csányi Marietta et al. (szerk.): Tisicum - A Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Megyei Múzeumok Évkönyve 25. (Szolnok, 2016)

Történeti tanulmányok - Örsi Julianna: Adatok Szeged XVIII–XIX. századi társadalmi összetételének megrajzolásához

TISICUM XXV. - TÖRTÉNETI TANULMÁNYOK IRODALOM HORVÁTH Zsolt 2003. Kinizsi, Bástya, Vörös Lobogó. A sportegyesületek államosí­tása, 1949-51. In: História 2003/8-9.21-25. Sajtóforrások Szolnokmegyei Néplap, 1952. évfolyama Szolnokmegyei Néplap, 1953. évfolyama Szolnokmegyei Néplap, 1954. évfolyama Szolnokmegyei Néplap, 1955. évfolyama Szolnokmegyei Néplap, 1956. évfolyama Tiszavidék, 1956. évfolyama Népújság, 1957. évfolyama Népújság, 1958. évfolyama Népújság, 1959. évfolyama Népújság, 1960. évfolyama Népújság, 1962. évfolyama Heves Megyei Népújság, 1963. évfolyama Internetes források http://www.magyarfutball.hu/hu/bajnoki-vegeredmeny/3847, http://www.magyarfutball.hu/hu/bajnoki-vegeredmeny/4878, http://www.magyarfutball.hu/hu/bajnoki-vegeredmeny/5801 http://www.magyarfutball.hu/hu/bajnoki-vegeredmeny/7117 http://www.magyarfutball.hu/hu/bajnoki-vegeredmeny/7492 István Vadász The period of the Tiszafüredi Petőfi SK, Tiszafüredi Bástya SK and Tiszafüredi Petőfi SC (1951-1963) As the next chapter in the history of the sport club of Tiszafüred, this article introduces the period between 1951 and 1963. It examines how the sport club’s, founded in 1913, history fared from the beginning of the 1950s to the first third of the 1960s. The transformation and name changing continued the same as in the former decades, even a kind of path finding was underway: as the football team shuttled between the championships of Szolnok and Heves County and between second and first class. This processing is based partly on newspapers and partly on recollections. As the start of the era the name of the Tiszafüredi Dolgozók SE changed to Tiszafüredi Petőfi SK in the beginning of 1951. Along with this thanks to the countrywide reorganisation the tern participated in the Szolnok County championship for three seasons from 1951. After this they fall back to the second class. In the mid-April of 1955 a new name change happened. As a result the Tiszafüredi Pefőti SK participated in the sec­ond class of the Szolnok County championship as Tiszafüredi Bástya SK. After the 1956 revolution, in the beginning of 1957 the country’s sport or­ganisation was reformed. The system of district championships were re­instituted for a short time, so the team participated in the northern district championship as Tiszafüredi Bástya SK. From the 1957/58 season until the spring of 1963 they participated in the Heves County championship, but in the beginning of 1958 the team’s name changed to Tiszafüredi Petőfi Sport Club. In the meantime they were in the second class of the Heves county championship in the 1959/1960 season, but went back to first class the next year. They finished last in the spring season of 1963, but already under a new name, from the March of 1963, Tiszafüredi Spartacus SC. 414

