H. Bathó Edit – Gecse Annabella – Horváth László – Kaposvári Gyöngyi szerk.: Tisicum - A Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Megyei Múzeumok Évkönyve 16. (2007)

Goods from the Woods in the Gleaning Economy of Kiskapus, Kalotaszeg

IRODALOM BŐDI Erzsébet 1999. A vadon flórája a gömöri magyarok táplálkozási kultúrájában. In: Tisicum. A Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Megyei Múzeumok Evkönyve XI. Szolnok 73—82. GUNDA Béla 1948. A magyar gyűjtögető és zsákmányoló gazdálkodás kutatása. Klny. A magyar népkutatás kézikönyve. Budapest 1960. A gyűjtögető életmód emlékei a Gyalui havasokban. In: Műveltség és Hagyomány I— II. 207—217. 1966. A természetes növénytakaró jelentősége a Gyalui havasok és a környező hegyvidék népének táplálkozásában. In: Ethnographia Carpathica 1966. Budapest PETERCSÁK Tivadar 1992. Az erdő az Északi—Középhegység paraszti gazdálkodásában. (XVIII—XX. század). Debrecen SZABÓ László 1961. Az almabor és az almaecet készítése a Tiszaháton. Ethnographia LXXII. 460—475. ILONA KRUZSLITZ Through its multiple use, wood was always present in the everyday life of peasant families, and in satisfying economical demands. Until the mid-20 th century, timber served as the most important source of energy among the village population, but wood object dominated the equip­ment of traditional village farming too. This paper is trying to analyse the various methods of using timber concentra­ting on the pást 50 years. My goal was to get to know and deseribe the archaic knowledge of this remote and underdeveloped settlement in the above-mentioned area. At the same time, I tried to provide outlook on the changes that, slowly though, took place in the village. As we have seen, wood was subordinated to the inte­rests of animál farming in the pást, but now, in accordance with the present economic interests of the people of Kiska­pus, they mainly use it as a source of firewood. Looking over the use of wood in animál farming, the geographical environment and the determining role of the specific features of the landseape have to be emphasised. In the mountainous village of Kiskapus, there is not too much grazing ground, so the local population endeavoured to take advantage of the woods. The laté spread of fodder­plants preserved the ancient methods of extensive agri­culture: pasturage in the woods, fattening on acorns etc. 1984—1988. Népi természetismeret. In: Szolnok Megyei Múzeumi Évkönyv. Szolnok 435—460. TARISZNYÁS Márton 1978. A gyűjtögető gazdálkodás hagyományai Gycrgyóban. Népismereti dolgozatok. 25—33. UJVÁRY Zoltán 1957. A vadon termő növények szerepe a táplálkozásban az abaúj­zempléni hegyvidéken. Néprajzi Értesítő XXXIX. 231—243. 1991. Népi táplálkozás három gömöri völgyben. Gömör néprajza. XXIX. Debrecen. 1996. A vadon termő növények szerepe a táplálkozásban az abaúj­zcmpléni hegyvidéken. In: Miscellanea II. Folklór és etnográfia 90. Debrecen 7—34. ZSÚPOS Zoltán 1987. Dél-Gömör gyűjtögető gazdálkodása. Gömör néprajza X. Debre­cen This meant a kind of migration as well: the pigs were fed in the nearby woods of Nagykapus. In humán nutrition, forestall fruits played an important role both as substitute of proper food and additional nourishment, and as delicacy or medicine. In gleaning in and around the woods, there are somé archaic phenomena preserved such as the use of bark vessels, the easiest ways of food processing (drying and desiccation) and the sapping of trees. Gleaning and gathering interlaced the lives of the people of Kiskapus, they did everything they could to improve their feeding and their lifestyle. Traditionally women played a more important role in this, apart from the use of timber, which was men's job. It can be ascertained that it was the economic necessity that made the people of Kiskapus complete their nourish­ment by gleaning and gathering. Substitute of proper feeding in case of penury often appeared in their diet: various kinds of leaves, sprouts and roots. From these phenomena, social difference can be dedu­ced, since the better off consumed less plants growing wild. The lack of permanent medical care in the village made the role of medicinái herbs more important, their daily use in the lives of villagers can be explained by their need. GOODS FROM THE WOODS IN THE GLEANING ECONOMY OF KISKAPUS, KALOTASZEG 119

