Bujdosó Pap Györgyi et al.: Várostromok és Közép-Európa Zrínyi Miklós (1620-1664) korában - Studia Agriensia 34. (Eger, 2017)

Bagi Zoltán Péter: Jean-Louis Raduit de Souches hadjárata 1664-ben Alsó-Magyarországon

Zoltán Péter Bagi The 1664 Campaign of Jean-Louis Raduit de Souches in Lower Hungary Ifwe consider the events of the 1663-64war, we find several episodes that have been thoroughly researched and described by (military) historians over the past one and a half centuries. Just think about the loss of Érsekújvár, Miklós Zrinyi’s campaign in Eszék, the failed siege of Kanizsa, the construction and the Ottoman occupation of Új-Zrínyivár, the battle of Szentgotthárd or the inglorious peace treaty following the victory. It is less known, however, that in 1664 some of the imperial-royal regiments fought in Lower Hungary with great success. In my study I set out to present the story of the campaigns under Jean-Louis Raduit de Souches. 91

