Császi Irén szerk.: „Ki játszik ilyet?” Játékhagyomány és játékdivat (Eger, 2010. április 21-október 17.)

barhent hat beanies with silk or velvet ribbons show a great variety of children's fashion. The Hungarian Applied Art Association first time invited entries for a toymaking competition in 1904. The small wooden man-figures reflecting Hungarian folk dresses and fairy tale illustrations of artists are valuable pieces of the exhibition. The wooden toys made in the "Grabóka" workshop between 1919 and 1938 express nobly beautiful, Hungarian-style, fabled forms. Technological developments, jewelled metal toys, railway and car models revolutionised boys' toys. In 1891 (the German factory) Marklin manufactured a whole railway system. For Christmas 1905 it released toy cars, later English, American and French toy factories started making car models. After the Great War the Győr Hungarian Metalbox Works pic. (Győri Magyar Fémdoboz Művek Rt.) made toys from lithography sheet, out of which the fly-wheel­and the spring-driven versions were highly popular. Toymaking Craftsmen's Co-operatives and toymaking companies established after 1948 continue designing various types of children's toys. The 1960s doll's kitchens and furniture reflect the ideal of the interior design of that age. Out of the PVC and polyethylene dolls, the dolls with closing eyes, with sewn hair dressed in line with the fashion of the time enjoyed great success. The pedalled Moszkvics car or Csepel van were the favourite types of vehicles. Múzeumpedagógiai foglalkozás a kiállításban 28

