Magyari Márta szerk.: A Debreceni Déri Múzeum Évkönyve 2008-2009 (2010)

TÖRTÉNETTUDOMÁNY - Krankovics Ilona: Mozaikok a textilkereskedelem történetéből - A Kis Orbán család kereskedésének története

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Varga Gyula: Ipari termelés - a társadalom iparos rétegei. In: Debrecen tör­ténete, 2. Szerk. Rácz István. Debrecen, 1981. Vargha Gyula: Magyarország pénzintézetei, Budapest. 1885 Mai Lajos: Debreceni kalmárok a kurucvilágban. Magyar Gazdaságtörté­neti Szemle, Budapest, 1905. Mai Lajos: Helytörténet. Déri Múzeum, Történeti Adattár. 192. sz. Ilona Krankovics EPISODES FROM THE HISTORY OF A TEXTILE BUSINESS (The Economic Activity of the Kis Orbán Family in Debrecen in the First Half of the 19th Century) During our research it was important to clarify how widespread connections the business had at various stages of the enterprise. Data suggest that the business came into contact with the distributor rather than the manufacturer. It was recently appeared travelling merchants that were constantly on the move in the hope of profit and delivered the goods to the retailers all over Hungary. Comparing the amounts of commodity credit obtained in and out of fairs, we can see that in the period between 1808 and 1816 the turnover out of fairs was very high, especially from 1808 onwards. It was well above the turnover in fairs. The out-of-fair turnover also reveals that the constant supply of goods was provided by travelling merchants. In 1808 the business purchased goods from over 40 merchants. They offered their wholesale goods for sale both in and out of fairs. The fact that most of the commodity credit was obtained during national fairs in Debrecen, where merchants arrived from Vienna, Pest, Pozsony and Füred, suggests that Debrecen proved an excellent market for fine textiles imported from the west. The rapid circulation of the extremely valuable stock of goods leads us to the conclusion that the sold items were textiles, which were in short supply in local trade. Provided this statement is right, it may serve as an addition to Walter Endrei's findings in this area. Before the products of Hungarian textile factories came onto the market, imported goods "occupied" not only the western but also the eastern regions of the country. Only few Hungarian factories were able to compete with Western European products, which conquered markets forcefully through intermediary trade. Research has shown that between 1806 and 1832 one of the Kis Or­bán store's most important suppliers was the Valero factory in Pest. This successful Hungarian textile factory must have had a well-organised market, but it is yet to be proved by further research.

