Mészáros Júlia, N.: 35 éves a Győri Művésztelep. Történeti áttekintés, művek, életrajzi adatok, beszámoló a jubileumi találkozóról - Győri művészettörténet 4. (Győr, 2003)

Életrajzi adatok

Südostdeutsches Kulturwerk, München, D; Galerie Künstlergilde, Esslingen, D; Galerie Grüne Schlange, Schopfeim, D; 1993 Vigadó Gallery, Budapest, H; Inter- Art Galerie, Stuttgart, D; 1994 Galerie Steinwerk, Bissingen, D; Zeitgenössische Ungarische Kunst, Galerie Art Club, Bur­gwedel, D; Kunst aus Ungarn, Osna­brück, D; Bartl-Lux-Misch, Galerie Pan­kow, Berlin, D; 1995 Rathaus, Gerlingen, D; Goethe Institute, Budapest, H; 1996 Csepel Gallery, Budapest, H; Gallery 13, Budapest, H Csoportos kiállítások 1990-tőI/Group exhibitions from 1990: 1974-79 Artists’ Symposium, Győr, H 1990 Art Today, Hungarian National Gallery , Budapest, H; 1993 Quadrat, Regensburg, D; YURIKO MIYOSHI GRAPHIC ARTIST 1962 Osaka, J Tanulmány/Education: 1985 Graduated at the Tokyo Zokei University Art & De­sign 1989 Postgraduate Course at the Mu­­sashino Art University Dij/Prize:1994 Internship for Artists un­der the Agency for Cultural Affairs in Ja­pan. 1989, 90, 91 -Awards of the Shunyo­­kai Exhibitions. 1991-Award of the Japan Figurative Print Exhibition. Önálló kiállítások/Selected individual exhibitions: 1987-2000 Tokyo, J; Nago­ya, J; Yamanashi, J; Hamamatsu, J; Ka­makura, J; Kwangu-ju, Korea; Antwer­pen, B. Csoportos kiállítások/Group exhibi­tions: 1995-2000 lese Graphic, Trawel­­ling Show, Vilnius, LT; Kaliningrad, RUS; Olomouc, CZ; Prague, CZ; Bruxel­les, B; 1997 Photo & Copy Etching, De­monstration, Academy of Fine Arts, Pra­gue, CZ; 1998 10,h Anniversary Interna­tional Biennial, Kaliningrad, RUS; lese Graphics /40+1 Living Faces or Via E- mail, Novosibirsk, RUS; 1999 The Mas­ters of Graphic Arts, 5"' International Bi­ennial of Drawing and Graphic Arts, Győr, H; 2000 Millenium GRAFICA, In­ternational Print Exhibition, Yokohama, J; 7th International Print Biennial, Amadora, P; 32nd International Artists' Symposium, Győr, H M. NAGY LÁSZLÓ CERAMIST, PAINTER 1938 Nagyléta-1997 Debrecen, H Tanulmány/Education: His fiit master was József Menyhárt. 1967 Graduation from the Hungarian Applied Arts Acade­my, Faculty of ceramics. Master: Árpád Csekovszky. 1967-1970 he was drawing teacher in Hosszúpályi. 1970-1979 leader of the Ceramic circle in Derecske. From 1979 works as a painter. 1971 Artists’ Symposium, Győr, H MÓDER REZSŐ SCULPTOR 1954 Budapest, H Tanulmány/Education: Original profes­sion: electrician. Gratuation from the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts in 1982. Deal with painting, sculptural arts, perfor­mances, videoart, alternative metal-music. Önálló kiállítások 1990-től/individual exhibitions from 1990: 1990 Cosmos-en­vironment, Gallery Miskolc, H; Time- Environment, Uitz Hall, Dunaújváros, H; 1991 Time-Axis-Environment, Exhibition Hall, Budapest, H; 1993 Time-Axis II., Gallery Szombathely, H; 1994 Time-Mu­sic-Environment, Cifra Palace, Kecske­mét, H; Cosmos-Environment, Esterházy- Castle, Pápa, H; 1997 Four Dimensional Works, Institute Franfais, Budapest, H: 1998 Time-Axis, Contemporary Art Insti­tute, Musical Statue Park Museum, Sculp­ture Atelier, Dunaújváros, H; 2000 Genf, CH; 2002 Municipal Museum of Art (with György Galgóczy and László Varga Amár), Győr, H. Csoportos kiállítások 1995-től/Group exhibitions from 1995: 1989-90 Interna­tional Artists' Symposium, Győr, H; 1995 273

