Székely Zoltán: Arrabona - Múzeumi Közlemények 50/1. (Győr, 2012)

Tanulmányok - Horváth Gergely Krisztián: A nemnemes társadalom strukturális sajátosságai Moson vármegyében a rendi korszak végén

ARRABONA 2012. 50/1. TANULMÁNYOK THE STRUCTURAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE NON-NOBLE SOCIETY IN MOSON COUNTY AT THE END OF THE FEUDAL ERA The changes in the non-noble society are analyzed based on the census results of 1805, 1818, 1827, 1838 and 1847. In the base year the largest part of the soci­ety in the county, nearly two-thirds of adult males, belonged to the different groups of villeins, while the peasants (Hörigen) accounted for a quarter. The information of the census results of non-nobles and the assessment of taxes of 1828 were transferred to a database. Using the Pearson correlation coeffi­cient and linear regression an attempt was made to determine the weight of the so­cial, economic and natural specifics in the context of deviations from social structure and economic power. This study highlighted the role of grasslands as the main structuring factor - though not with a particularly strong correlation. The grassland economy and in connection with it: the hay production benefited to the poorer rural population cotters /Söllner/ because the greater expansion of grass­lands coincided not only with a higher proportion of such cotters, but also with a higher natural population growth. Another characteristic of the model is that besides the greater extent of grass­lands also the number of people per house and household is greater. Among the cotters more households account for a house than among the serfs, which - al­though it has a negative impact on mortality rates -, does not eliminate the natural increase in population and the positive trend of the population growth from 1805 to 1827. Gergely Krisztián Horváth 100

