Bárkányi Ildikó - Lajkó Orsolya (szerk.): A Móra Ferenc Múzeum Évkönyve 2019. Új folyam 6. (Szeged, 2019)

Irodalomtörténet - Bíró-Balogh Tamás: Juhász Gyula adalékok - Egy dedikációja és egy újabb kötet a könyvtárából

Tamás Bíró-Balogh Tamás Gyula juhász additions - A dedication and another volume from the library Gyula Juhász additions A dedication and another volume from the library Tamás Bíró-Balogh Tamás The study discusses two volumes in connection with Gyula Juhász. The first one was signed by him, the other one was received by him, so as it turns out both have been parts of Juhász’s private library for a while. Thus far, no one has collected the dedications of Gyula Juhász yet. There have already been sporadic statements already - e.g.: in articles of Ferenc Apró and László Péter - but, the Juhász-critical edition also favors using it in footnotes and photocopies. On the other hand, their systematic research and processing has not been done yet. Nevertheless, the reconstruction of writer Gyula Juhász's library has been completed: it had been compiled in a volume titled Juhász Gyula könyvtára (The library of Gyula Juhász) by András Lengyel in 2015. The now published piece is not present in this collection though, because it was at a yet unknown location at the time of compiling. Both volumes were offered for bid at the same antique bookstore's online auctions. Dedications written by Gyula Juhász are rarely discovered (mostly on auctions, if ever) and there are almost no dedications towards him: there have been only two in the last ten to fifteen years. The aim of this paper is to draw attention to the importance of the dedications and to motivate those in possession of volumes containing dedications either written by Gyula Juhász, or addressed to him to come forward with them.

