Seres István: Karikással a szabadságért. Rózsa Sándor és betyárserege 1848-ban (Békéscsaba, 2012)

Idegen nyelvű összefoglalók

Idegen nyelvű összefoglalók Bullwhips for Freedom Sándor Rózsa’s Troop of Outlaws in 1848 Resume Sándor Rózsa, the legendary leader of outlaws, gained his popularity experienced all over the country when, heading his troop in the autumn of 1848, he joined the national army fighting for the independence of Hungary. The outlaw, who had been hiding for 11 years at the time and was constantly hunted, attained amnesty for himself in return for the establishment of a cavalry. On the 3rd of October 1848, Lajos Kossuth, on his recruiting journey, did give him the amnesty paper requested that was delivered to the recruiting officers of the Hunyadi Hussar Regiment by Mór Jókai, the later world- famous writer. The amnesty provoked a huge ovation in the contemporary press, the papers reported on it in their cover pages competing with each other, and in the meantime yellow black prints popularizing the outlaw appeared in the streets. In less than three weeks, in Sze­ged, Rózsa’s hometown, a cavalry of 100 people was formed mainly from the shepherds coming from Szeged and the surrounding homestead (wranglers, herdsmen). Most of them were friends and acquaintances to Sándor Rózsa. As a result of their trades and their way of living, they managed to handle the shepherds’ tools in an excellent way, which J2S

