Papp Gábor: A magyar topografikus és leíró ásványtan története (Topographia Mineralogica Hungariae 7. Miskolc, 2002)

VI. ÚJ SZINTÉZISEK FELÉ? (az 1980-as évek közepe óta eltelt időszak)

1963: (D The Section of Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Hungarian Geological Society (MFT) is founded. •=> 1972 1965: £ff] The collection of Sándor Koch, extremely rich in minerals of the Carpathian Basin, becomes the property of the József Attila University (JATE) of Szeged. 1965: (D The Section of Earth Sciences and Mining (from 1991 on Class of Earth Sci­ences) is founded at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA). 1966: ËQ Koch, Sándor: Magyarország ásványai [Minerals of Hungary] (Budapest). The first topographical mineralogy of the present territory of Hungary (second edition 1985, edited by József Mezősi). 1967: MS Koch, Sándor - Sztrókay, Kálmán: Ásványtan l-ll [Mineralogy] (Budapest). University textbook. 1967: fflS New name for the Institute of Mineralogy and Petrology of the József Attila University (JATE) of Szeged: Institute of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Pe­trology. 1967: MS Végh, Sándorné: Nemércek földtana [Geology of non-metalliferous deposits] (Budapest). University textbook. 1969: jf Fragmenta Mineralogica et Palaeontologica (Budapest), periodical of the earth science departments of the Natural History Museum (TTM) is released. «=> 1996 1970: MS Nemecz, Ernő: Agyagásványok [Clay minerals] (Budapest). The first modern Hungarian monograph on clay mineralogy. 1970-71: MS Sztrókay, Kálmán - Grasselly, Gyula - Nemecz, Ernő - Kiss, János: Ás­ványtani praktikum [Practical methods in mineralogy] (Budapest). University textbook. 1972: <D The Club of Mineral Collectors (from 1983 on Section of Mineral Collectors) of the Hungarian Geological Society (MFT) is founded. •=> 1989 1977: MS Bárdossy, György: Karsztbauxitok [Karst bauxites] (Budapest). 1980: tjTjj The Department of Mineralogy of the Herman Ottó Museum (HOM) of Miskolc is founded (its main scope is the collecting and research of minerals of Hungary). 1982: MS Oberfrank, Ferenc - Rékai, Jenő: Drágakövek [Gemstones] (Budapest). The first book published in gemmology after World War II. 1982: MS Kiss, János: Ércteleptan l-ll [Ore geology] (Budapest). University textbook. 1983: (p Asványgyűjtő Figyelő, the first Hungarian popular periodical in mineralogy is released (exists until 1988). 1987: MS Bognár, László: Ásványhatározó [Identification guide to minerals] (Budapest). The first identification guide illustrated with colour photos by a Hungarian author. 1989: ® The Section of Mineral Collectors of MFT is terminated. 1990: MS Bárdossy, György - Aleva, Gerald J. J.: Lateritic bauxites. (Budapest). 1990: £Q New name for the Department of Mineralogy and Geology of the Technical University of Budapest: Department of Engineering Geology. •=> 1999 1990: (D The Hungarian Minerophil Society, the first nation-wide society of mineral collectors is founded (The official bulletin of the society, called Geoda [Gé­ode] (Budapest-Miskolc), is published from 1991 on.) 1990: (D The Hungarian Society of Natural Sciences is reorganised.

