Szakáll Sándor - Weiszburg Tamás szerk.: A telkibányai érces terület ásványai (Topographia Mineralogica Hungariae 2. Miskolc, 1994)

A telkibányai ércesedés oxidásványai (Molnár Ferenc & Szakáll Sándor)

Topographia Mineralogica Hungáriáé Vol. II. 181-197 Miskolc, 1994 A TELKIBÁNYAI ÉRCESEDÉS OXIDÁSVÁNYAI Oxide minerals of Telkibánya ore deposit Molnár Ferenc & Szakáll Sándor Abstract The most frequent oxide mineral of Telkibánya ore deposit is quartz. This mineral occur in two morphologically different forms: 1. Euhedral crystals with well developed {10Ï0} prism, {lOTl} and {OlTl} rhom­bohedron faces. These crystals occur in the vuggy-brecciated zones of wall rocks. 2. Vein-filling quartz aggregates. The single crystals within these vein infillings have anhedral-subhedral habit. The different quartz types precipitated in different conditions. The boiling of hydrothermal fluids at about 230 °C during the crystallization of euhedral crystals has been proved by fluid inclusion studies. In contrast with that, the precipitation of vein-filling aggregates took place in a wide temperature range, between 170 and 270 °C. It was also found, that the textural variation of vein-filling quartz also reflects the temperature différencies of crystallization. Rock crystal, amethyst, citrine, smoky quartz, morion and cinopel variétés were also observed. Chalcedony, jasper and opal is characteristic to the marginal zones of the ore deposit. The opal-chalcedony-quartz precipitation sequences probably reflects the changes of the dissolved silica content of hydrothermal fluids. The occurrence of opal-CT variety was also found. Chalcedony often forms pseudomorphs after calcite and aragonite. The most common Fe-oxide minerals are hematite and goethite in the studied area. Hematite is often primary of origin, but goethite appears mostly as secondary precipi­tation. The occurrence of secondary manganese minerals of ranciéite-type and crypto­melane was also detected by X-ray diffraction studies. As mineral rarities rutile, tridymite and gibbsite also occur in the Telkibánya ore deposit. Összefoglalás A telkibányai ércesedés oxidásványain végzett morfológiai, fénymikroszkópos, röntgendiffrakciós, folyadékzárvány és kémiai vizsgálatok alapján a következő ered­mények születtek:

