Gyulai Éva - Viga Gyula (szerk.): Történet - muzeológia : Tanulmányok a múzeumi tudományok köréből a 60 éves Veres László tiszteletére (Miskolc, 2010)

KÉZMŰVESSÉG - IPARTÖRTÉNET - Hadobás Sándor: Gróf Andrássy Manó szerepe a rudabányai nagyüzemi vasércbányászat megindításában

PANTÓ Endre et al. 1957 Rudabánya ércbányászata. OMBKE. Budapest HADOBÁS Sándor (s. a. r.) 2004 Iratok a rudabányai nagyüzemi vasércbányászat történetéhez. Az Érc- és Ásványbányászati Múzeum Közleményei I. 93-109. Rudabánya BKL 1881 Bányászati és Kohászati Lapok The role of Count Manó Andrássy in the launching of large-scale iron ore mining at Rudabánya One of the success stories of late 19th century industrial development in Hungary was the exploitation of the iron ore deposits at Rudabánya. begun in 1880. The opening of the mine was the result of Count Manó Andrássy's efforts, one of the period's outstanding politicians and industrial entrepreneurs, who in the 1870s realised the potentials of the enormous iron ore deposit which lay unexploited after the unsuccessful state attempt to open a mine. Following a detailed survey of the area and confident in the results of the survey, he purchased the land and signed a long­term lease contract with the Treasury. He persuaded Viennese bankers to invest in the mine: the foundation charter of the Borsod Mining Association was signed on February 3, 1880. Within a few years, the company established a mine and a mining camp of European standard: miners from every part of the Monarchy arrived to work in the mine. The number of miners exceeded one thousand already in the 1880s. The good quality limonite was transported to the smelting furnaces of Witkowitz in Moravia (present-day Vitkovice in the Czech Republic). The enterprise proved successful: the Rudabánya iron ore mine remained active for over a century, until 1985. The study offers a brief overview of the achievements of Manó Andrássy, the "Iron Count", in opening the mine at Rudabánya and also presents a copy of the original German language foundation charter of the Borsod Mining Association and its Hungarian translation, an important, but hitherto neglected document of the period's economy. Sándor Hadobás 186

