Somogyvári Ágnes – V. Székely György szerk.: A Barbaricum ösvényein… A 2005-ben Kecskeméten tartott tudományos konferencia előadásai - Archaeologia Cumanica 1. (Kecskemét, 2011)

Gallina József Zsolt: Avar kori vaskohászati és települési centrum Zamárdiban

GALLINA JÓZSEF ZSOI.T:AVAR KORI VASKOHÁSZATI ÉS TELEPULESI CENTRUM ZAMÁRDIBAN SZENTPÉTERI 1995 Szentpéteri József: Cartographia Avarica. Térképészeti észrevételek ADAM-tól Bajánig. ­Kartographische Bemerkungen von ADAM bis Bajan. SMK 11 (1995) 239-254. TÖRÖK 1999 About the Technical Investigations of Ore, Slag and Wall-fragment Samples Found Next to the Sites of Nemeskér-type Furnaces. - Nemeskéri típusú vasolvasztó kemencék lelő helyén talált ércek, salakok és kemencefal-darab műszaki vizsgálatai. In: Traditions and Innovations in the early Medieval Iron Production. Hagyományok és újítások a korai középkori vaskohászatban. Szerk.: Gömöri János. Sopron-Somogyfajsz, 1999.160-169. TÖRÖK 2010 Török Béla: Crystallization of Iron Slags Found in Early Medieval Bloomery Furnaces. 5th International Conference on Solidification and Gravity, Miskolc-Lillafüred, Hungary (2008), Materials Science Forum 649 (2010) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland 455-460. doi:10/4028/www.scientific/MSF.649.455. TÖRÖK-KOVÁCS 2009 Török Béla-Kovács Árpád: Avar vastárgyleletek szövetszerkezetének elektronmikroszkópos vizsgálata. ­Examinations of metallographic structure of Avar iron finds by electron microscope. XI. Bányászati és Kohászati Konferencia kiadványa, Máramarossziget, Erdélyi Magyar Műszaki Társaság, 2009. április 2-5., 91-95. TÖRÖK-KOVÁCS 2011 Török, Béla-Kovács, Árpád: Materials Characterization of Iron and Slag Finds of the Early Medieval Avar Metallurgists. Proceedings of the 15th Internationa! Metallurgy & Materials Congress (11-13 November 2010). Isztanbul 2011.386-397. József Zsolt Gallina Avarian Age iron smelting centre and settlement from Zamárdi In 2005 we investigated the bypass-route encircling Zamárdi. In the course of series of excavations spreading over 4 sites, the 1421 features of six archaeological periods were investigated at a 27,195-sq. m large territory. Settlement traces from the Transdanubian Linear Pottery, Balaton-Lasinja, Somogyvár-Vinkovci and Urnfield Cultures, parts of a Celtic village and a Roman Age vicus, along with an iron smelting centre from the Middle and Late Avarian Age were found on the territory, lhe 580 Avarian features spreading over large part of the area indicate that we have unearthed an iron smelting settlement centre from the 7 l h-9 , h centuries on one of the largest industrial archaeological sites of Central Europe. Here we succeeded in recording most of the phases of the smelting industry of the Avarian Age. We were able to determine a charcoal kiln for burning, almost 100 ore-roasting pits, around 20 forges, some glowing hearths (forming assemblages with forges), and one or two suggested smith's workshops. In these features we found a number of pottery of dating value, sideproducts of smelting, pieces of slag, fragments of blowpipes, iron tools and animal bones. Among the numerous find material a bone pot decorated with a carved horse is to be specially mentioned. Beside the smelting phenomena, features referring to dwelling settlement were also unearthed. We recorded several buildings with different constructional solutions (with 2, 4, 6 supporting posts or posts situated at the longitudinal side) and with ovens or fireplaces built of stone, clay or dug into the wall of the house. Beside these almost 100 bread baking open-air ovens (some of them renewed for several times) and many grinding stones of different types served as means of the nutrition of the population. Further data on the everyday life are represented by the great number of loom and net-weights. According to some observations the co-existence of smelting phenomena and traditional settlement features is not rare at smelting settlements of the Avarian Age. The richness and character of the finds, the investigated area (we unearthed only 15-20 percent of the territory revealed during field survey!) and the sites of Avarian Age in the vicinity (Zamárdi-Réti földek - the largest known cemetery of the Avarian Age) show that we succeeded in finding an outstanding smelting and settlement centre that functioned for two hundred years. The significance of one of the largest sites of industrial archaeology in Central Europe is shown by the fact that two perpendicular roads crossed the settlement. 183

