A Hajdú-Bihar Megyei Levéltár évkönyve 24. 1997 (Debrecen, 1997)

Forrásközlések - Gazdag István: A nádudvari olvasó-egylet könyveinek jegyzéke, 1873

Hajdú-В ihar Megyei Levéltár Évkönyve XXIV 333 V. w. 497. Vadászat mestere. Cserszilvási Ákos 1 498. Válságos napok. Emilia 1 499. Várt leány várat nyer. b. Jósika Miklós 1 500. Watterloo. Thiers A. 1 501. Washington. Guizot, ford. Gyerőfi Gyula 1 502. Végváriak, b. Jósika Miklós 503. Vénus szerelmei. Montépin Xaver 1 504. Véres marquisnő. Dash grófnő, ford. Kun Barna 2 505. Virág Benedek magyar századai. Toldi Ferencz 3 506. Víradóra. Jókai Mór 2 507. Világtörténelem. Kantu Caesar, ford. Gyurics Antal 6 508. Világtörténet. Bumüller János, ford. Fen. J. 2 509. Wohl Janka költeményei. Jókai Mór 1 510. Vörösmarty Mihály munkái. 12 511. Vig elbeszélések. Thackeray, ford. Balázs Sándor 1 X. 512. Xantus János levelei. Közli Prépost István 1 BOOK LIST OF THE READERS’ ASSOCIATION IN NÁDUDVAR, 1873 István Gazdag In the last third of the 19th century, in the period of the acceleration of Hungarian socio-economic development, socio-cultural and economic societies were established one after the other in Hajdú County. The Nádudvar Book List published in 1873 - and to be republished here - can give a clue to how the community book holdings and acquisitions in a village with a population of 7,380 - out of which the number of literate persons was 3,274 - could keep pace, both in view of authors, themes and volume numbers, with publishing at home and abroad. On the grounds of this list one can also assess approximately to what extent the acquisitions were synchronous with the educational and cultural objectives. The list, which is published here as a literal copy, was composed by the village schoolmaster. This book list is an important source primarily for Nádudvar and on the Hungarian cultural conditions, at the same time it is well utilisable for mapping the cultural and public educational life of other Hungarian lowland country towns comparable to our village.

